What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
i want to save player’s colors somewhere safe that wouldn’t reset (like the scripts in a tool once the player dies the scripts would reset not making it really useful for saving colors) i just want to save their color3 values from the tool, and just automatically just reapply it once they respawn. i don’t really want to mess with data stores since i don’t think it’s that much of a deal to save unless data stores is the way to go with it.
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
i know that I’m just changing the values on a script which would sometimes interfere with Player A colors and it would just change Player A colors when they die to Player B’s colors if Player B is spamming changing colors system( as seen in the video )
(this image is in the workspace)
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
i couldn’t find any solutions for my problem. i guess i could just use module scripts for this somehow. But i want to know other methods of doing this. Let me know if I’m being too vague here
(just watch what happens to the right player jetpack it’ll change to the left player’s old colors)
As you’ve acknowledged you’re changing a workspace part from a clients StarterGui which could cause interference between multiple players. What you need to do is fire the server using a RemoteEvent instance.
(the red line is showing what the script is doing, but i added the other colors to go with it just know they’re just firing stuff inside the script even though all of them are just going to the same places)
i spelt yield wrong on the photo
All the remote events are in the tool itself, there’s only one local script that’s outside of it, and it’s just detecting if the player died so it can save the player’s tool colors which are the part colors, then it’ll yield until the player spawns in then it’ll fire the script with the colors it saved and apply it(blue line).
the script which is inside of the tool does all of the applying colors it’s what saves the colors to the workspace color3 values (this is what saves everyone’s color which is really bad) and apply it to the jetpack. (red line)
and the color picking local script just sends color data to the script and then the script would save it to the workspace color3 values and also apply it to the jetpack (green line)
and finally the the “yellow” local script just checks if the tool has been equipped and if it did then I’ll fire the script which would apply the colors(yellow line)