Tool flying to Handle while using Rods

Problem exactly as title suggests. I have a Rod connected to a Handle and because of this, the Model connected to the Handle flies to the Handle instead of spawning in as they should.

Not using any scripts on this, tools without rods work fine, if there’s any information needed I’m happy to share !


I think it’s because the part of the lamp spawns where you were creating it. My solution is to set the cframe of the part of the lamp to the handle when you equip it.

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I don’t think so. There is a pattern to its spawning where it will come from where the Tool was facing when it was last unequipped

ty though


Try disabling the rod and just welding the parts together to see if they spawn far or not

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Yeah works just fine,
(Rods disabled and parts Welded instead to connect together)


I recreated the rod even with the script where it teleports immediately to your hand and it still bugs out, so if you’re really desperate, I’d recommend using rope constraints.
edit: rope constraints dont work either :neutral_face:
edit 2: if you add the script where it spawns to your hand it’s not as bad but still glitches out a bit

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Alright I’ll try to figure out the scripting teleport thingy

Thank you for your testing !


Just to clarify, when I meant teleporting, I meant spawning
edit: make it massless and also set the density to 0

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when you use fat_magician’s script, make sure to make the part that is connected to the rod is massless so it won’t shift the character around when it’s equipped

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I would love for it to be massless for that reason however having the bottom part heavy stops the lantern from swinging around so much - but I’ll tinker !
(also replying to @skylersop)

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you can make it massless when it’s equipped then maybe use a task.wait(1) or something to make it go back to having mass, here’s an example script

local part = script.Parent.Handle -- replace this with what you want to be massless
	part.Massless = true
	part.Massless = false

	part.Massless = false

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Excuse my abysmal scripting skills - Beat my head against a wall for about an hour and a half and just about commissioned someone just trying to frankenstein it all together !

Here is my current script

local part = script.Parent.Handle.Model:GetDescendants()
local handle = script.Parent.Handle
local denPart = script.Parent.Handle.Model:GetChildren("MassPart")

	part.Position = handle.CFrame.Position
	denPart.CurrentPhysicalProperties.Density = 0
	denPart.CurrentPhysicalProperties.Density = 5

	denPart.CurrentPhysicalProperties.Density = 0



Tried teleporting the Model to the Handle as I’m unsure how to use Replicated Storage for these things with no such luck. The documentation says CurrentPhysicalProperties can be called upon but gives no example for me to reference :cry:

any help is helpful ty

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Whoops, I didn’t know that you’d be using a script to make the density 0, because that’s impossible lol. Try making it like 0.2, it might fix it.