Tool Flying!

If you’re not familiar with Tool Flying, it is the act of detooling a tool, jumping to where the tool was, then re-tooling, effectively allowing you to position the tool under your character, and using it to double-jump. Depending on the tool, this can be done multiple times in succession. This bug is typically used with ROBLOX swords and firearms, and is a big problem in the lonely world of C&G.

Ultimately I would like to make this bug known so that it may be fixed, and the tool equip-dequip system adjusted in such a way to disallow this sort of flight. I am unable to add items such as Swords to some of my most popular places, as people can use these to - you guessed it - fly around like a bunch of vultures. This is an obvious gameplay hazard which leads to a lot of disheartened players.

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Since .Touched works when the tool is CanCollide false, you should be using that for swords and most tools.

This doesn’t change it, you can still jump on them.

What I did is make a jump delay, it’s noticeable but not too nticeable.

This doesn’t change it, you can still jump on them.

What I did is make a jump delay, it’s noticeable but not too nticeable.[/quote]

Woah. That’s odd - I thought they fixed discrepancies like that.

[quote] If you’re not familiar with Tool Flying, it is the act of detooling a tool, jumping to where the tool was, then re-tooling, effectively allowing you to position the tool under your character, and using it to double-jump. Depending on the tool, this can be done multiple times in succession. This bug is typically used with ROBLOX swords and firearms, and is a big problem in the lonely world of C&G.

Ultimately I would like to make this bug known so that it may be fixed, and the tool equip-dequip system adjusted in such a way to disallow this sort of flight. I am unable to add items such as Swords to some of my most popular places, as people can use these to - you guessed it - fly around like a bunch of vultures. This is an obvious gameplay hazard which leads to a lot of disheartened players. [/quote]

Few things. The fact that you’re adding gears shows that your game doesn’t have filteringenabled. So hate to say it but regardless of if you fix that or not, exploiters will fly around your game all day anyways.

Also I don’t find this to be a bug. Why not just make a script that detects spam equipping…? It would be literally 10 or under lines of code.

Well, I don’t feel that I should have to fix large gameplay issues which I didn’t create. People earn salaries for that.
To elaborate: my game doesn’t allow gear items; all the tools are all provided in-game. FilteringEnabled is on, for sure.

I don’t ever remember this being a problem before last year, which means hopefully the cause is known.
Any ideas?

I’m kind of with Rukiryo on this one. You make the game – you’re responsible for any annoying bugs. The ROBLOX staff has better things to worry about – it’s not an issue with tools, but an issue with being able tobjumpnoff of noncollidable parts, which they would have to tinker with the physics system a bit to fix. I’m in the clan world too with FEAR, and the tools do the same. Just make your own tools with welds and local scripts. Now that we have UIS/GetMouse and the ability to toggle the mouse icon, tools are rather obsolete.

Jumping off of nonCanCollide parts sounds like an all-around bother.
Is this being looked into by ROBLOX?

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