Tool giving to NPC doesn't work

	if gasoline.Parent == workplr then
	yeah3.Enabled = false
		gasclone.Parent = yeah

What this does: The player is holding the Gasoline. It destroys the gasoline from player’s body, removing it from the inventory (this works). It parents a clone of the Gasoline tool to [x] NPC (Works).

But the error is, the NPC isn’t holding the copy of the gasoline tool, although the NPC is a parent of the tool. Any solutions?


You can try getting the NPC Humanoid and calling EquipTool with your tool instance.


How would I do this?

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doesn’t work, as it says equiptool isn’t a valid model.

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i think you just need to parent the tool to the npc like

tool.Parent = npcmodel

edit: nvm you already did that, perhaps



i have didnt work

parenting the tool to the model of a humanoid will instantly equip it for that humanoid but it doesn’t do so for npc. could it be cus its in a localscript and its supposed to be handled in serverscript? thank you

wow, you failed to mention that.

Does your NPC contain either a RightHand(for R15) or a Right Arm(for R6)? What you are describing could occur if the NPC didn’t have one of those so it doesn’t have a RightGrip to place the weapon.