Just imagine a baseball bat in my hand in the above picture
Here is the code if that helps
Idle animation on equip
local Bat = script.Parent
local LocalPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Char = LocalPlayer.Character or LocalPlayer.Character:Wait()
local BatEquipped = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents.BatEquipped
local AnimationID = "rbxassetid://14095891258"
local Animation = Instance.new("Animation")
local Humanoid = Char.Humanoid
Animation.Parent = Char
Animation.AnimationId = AnimationID
local Idle_Bat = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animation)
I’ve look through the documentation to see if there was any settings that I could disable I couldn’t see anything that would be useful.
I used a grip editor, I don’t know if that messed up the positioning or anything.
What is the priority of the animation?, Because i think its playing both the default equip animation and your animation, so you need to change priority
You can try set it to movement, but like, roblox have core(0), idle(1), movement(2), action (3), action 2(4), action 3(5) and action 4(6), most default roblox animations are set to core, but i think the equip animation is idle.
Also, thanks for marking my comment as the solucion!