Tool grip not aligning with idle animation

Idle animation not working

I’m trying to make a baseball bat which has a idle position in which the player is holding the bat with two hands.

However whenever the bat is equipped the bat moves to the right, messing up the animation.


Equipped baseball bat

What the animation is supposed to look like


Just imagine a baseball bat in my hand in the above picture

Here is the code if that helps

Idle animation on equip

local Bat = script.Parent
local LocalPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Char = LocalPlayer.Character or LocalPlayer.Character:Wait()
local BatEquipped = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents.BatEquipped
local AnimationID = "rbxassetid://14095891258"

	local Animation ="Animation")
	local Humanoid = Char.Humanoid

	Animation.Parent = Char
	Animation.AnimationId = AnimationID

	local Idle_Bat = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animation)

I’ve look through the documentation to see if there was any settings that I could disable I couldn’t see anything that would be useful.

I used a grip editor, I don’t know if that messed up the positioning or anything.

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What is the priority of the animation?, Because i think its playing both the default equip animation and your animation, so you need to change priority

The priority is set to idle, so it should have the highest priority

Try changing the priority to action, also see if all the parts of the arm have atleast a keyframe added to the animation.

I’ve already set the keyframes of the body parts, I think the problem is that I didn’t use motor 6d on the bat?

Picture of keyframes

Do you think using Motor6D will help since I didn’t use that when making the idle animation?

Edit: Setting the priority level to something lower than idle will break it since I’ve tried it already

Well, motor6d are only good if you want to create a animation for the bat itself, like it spinning in the air if you make your character throw it.

Try to add a keyframe for the torso and set priority to action(since its higher than idle)


Settings it to action actually worked!

Although I would of preferred it to be set to idle since it might interfere with future actions its still much appreciated.


You can try set it to movement, but like, roblox have core(0), idle(1), movement(2), action (3), action 2(4), action 3(5) and action 4(6), most default roblox animations are set to core, but i think the equip animation is idle.

Also, thanks for marking my comment as the solucion!

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