Tool I made is acting weird, please help me

So recently I’ve been working with 2 other people on a game called Toy Car Simulator, and I just finished up organizing the tool that I made for the starter car. The problem is, when I play the game, and select the car in my inventory, it shows up like this -

Idk what’s going on, but heres the complete menu for this tool -



Is the car anchored?

Because if it is, it should not be.

Nope, but I did lock every part of it if that could be the problem?


But I don’t think locking an object affects is physics or anything liek that

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How about you post the car here as an rbxm file. Or dm it to me and I will be able to help you out.

Their is this plugin called Tool Grip Editor Plugin that allows you to change where the object on the tool is. You should check it out here:


I have dm’d you the file. Thanks!

Hey, did you by accident mess around with the tools grip?

I used the Tool Group Editor Plugin that @Billy_BD suggested, thats it how did you get into the code, btw?