Tool invisible when equipped?

I have a simple tool with nothing but a handle and a weld, yet it goes invisible whenever I equip it and goes visible if I remove it from the player’s inventory or drop it?
I’m not sure what’s going on

This is the structure of the tool:

Requires handle is on and all of the parts are welded together

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Did you check the position of the tool?

That’s the first thing I did

It’s also happening on multiple places, so I don’t think it’s any scripts doing it as the part itself only contains a touchinterest and some unions

When you unequip the tool, it parents the tool to the player’s backpack, when the player equips it, it parents it to the player’s character. The character is parented to the workspace, and the player is parented to Players. Players isn’t visible to other players, so theoretically when you’re doing your magic after it is unequipped others including the player will not see any of it, since it’s all happening whilst not being in the character ( or a model parented to workspace ). So I’d just clone it and parent it to workspace or the character or anything that is in workspace, on the unequipped event.

Hope this works!


Its strange how its backwards like that. Are you using a custom equipping or is it default? If so this might be a good thing to put in engine bugs.

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It’s all default. I feel like it’s something simple but nothing is transparent in the entire tool

Check the parent of it. Is it in player when you equip it? Do you set its parent in any scripts inside or outside of the tool?

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It’s in the player’s character and leaves the backpack when equipped. The parent is always the character when equipped. It’s only referenced for .Touched events and even then it still is transparent in a game without any scripts

Is the transparency of the parts set or do they not exist in the workspace? Would you mind showing a screenshot of the workspace if that would help?

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Sure, transparency of the parts is set to 0 at all times.

I would have assumed that too, but the tool is visible when dropped or when in studio workspace

maybe it was anchored and Can Collide was true at the same time?

Not anchored because the player would have been pulled to the tool’s position in worldspace when it was equipped.

There is something called “require handle” or something like that inside tool. Make it false.
and use welding script.

Could I ask what the utility of having two handles, one of which is invisible, is? Are you using this to orient the tool a certain way? Don’t do that because that’ll make this an XY problem, use a tool grip editor to fix the way your character holds the tool.

If your trouble is simply that the rest of the tool’s parts are not appearing to be held except for the Handle, this is an issue with your welds that needs to be fixed. There’s many different ways to handle the welding of a tool. Here, I would just insert WeldConstraints into each part. Part1 would be Handle, Part0 would be the parent of the WeldConstraint.

I only use one handle, the other ones were named handle because I was troubleshooting it by using different handles.

Are other parts welded to the handle?

for everyone who may have this problem in the future: I also had it and in my case I tried to use Humanoid: EquipTool through a tool that was in an ImageButton (the goal was to use the backpack just to store items). I don’t know what the problem was but I decided to send him to the backpack before equipping him:

local tool = --here you set your tool
tool.Parent = backpack
humanoid: EquipTool (tool)
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