Tool is invisible

If it is a mesh, perhaps the original uploader archived it; deleting it from the site and rendering it invisible.


Unless the asset was deleted by ROBLOX, it shouldn’t matter as you can’t truly delete any assets but only remove them from your Profile (unless this has changed, I keep up with stuff here and there and may miss a thing or two)

As for the Tool, you said it’s completey underneath ReplicatedStorage, including the ServerScript (ClassName Script) and ClientScript (ClassName LocalScript), correct?

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It’s all checked off as “Archiveable” if that’s what you mean. When disabling that, it either makes the tool not show up at all or teleport me and makes me upside down.


Yes, everything in tool is underneath ReplicatedStorage.

Archivable doesn’t apply here unless you’re dealing with the Instance.Clone method, which as far as I can tell you aren’t.

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If the original uploader decided to take an asset down, they can archive it to prevent others from using it.


Thus, something I forgot about.

Anywho, I don’t think it’s a matter of the asset but more of how you have your tool setup. You have a ServerScript (ClassName Script) underneath the Tool which is in ReplicatedStorage. This is not best practice, and could have some potential issues as ServerScripts cannot run everywhere (and I think some fairly recent AntiExploit measures limited this scope even further with how closed source third party modules were injecting backdoors). Please look into moving the ServerScript into ServerScriptService, adjusting how the Tool interacts with it ClientSide and see if this helps

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Oh, I see. As far as I can tell, Instance.Clone isn’t something that is being used.

Oh, I see. Is there a way to verify if an asset/mesh has been archived or can you only assume/guess by it being invisible?

Just did this. The gun shows up now, but I teleported and forced upside down again.


Although is this traversing areas I don’t deal with as much, I’m betting it’s something to do with welding. Do you use any sorts of welds in this on the Client?

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From what I know, no welds were used, but I’m actually unsure how to verify that.

Looking through OP, I realized you posted the Scripts. Afaict, you’re not doing welding, but you also haven’t shown what’s in the PB model. Mind taking a screenshot of it’s descendants?

EDIT: nevermind, confirmed you are doing welding on the ServerSide, which is most certainly your problem

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No worries. Here you go. It’s all meshparts.


EDIT: How would I fix the welding issue on the ServerSide?

Sadly, this is the extent of my knowledge. I really don’t deal with the 3D aspect of scripting much, but I can confirm to you this is your problem. If someone else who is more knowledgeable on welding can chime in, they most certainly could resolve this.

EDIT for below:
Not a problem

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Thanks so much for getting as far as you have. I’ll see if I can figure it out as I wait for someone else to chip in.

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  1. Tools require a part named Handle so the character knows where to hold.
  2. Tools should not be anchored, the parts should be connected through welding.

I’m pretty sure handle is already added, (can see under “Photo” in the original topic.)

I see. I’m unsure how to do this, but I’ll try looking into it.

The easiest way to weld if you’re not comfortable with scripting is weld constraints, you simply insert weld constraints into a part and then edit the parts attached in the properties

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I’m assuming Part0 should be the WeldConstraint’s parent and Part1 should be the part underneath it?

If so, I just finished doing this. And it shows the gun up! But, not properly.



You’ll need to edit the tool grip to fix its orientation and position.

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