Tool isn't being put in player backpack in shop

I made this shop system and whenever the player buys the item, it takes away their Cash but the tool doesn’t get put in the players backpack

There isn’t any errors in the output or anything

Please help!

Here’s the lua

local serverStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")

local buyRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ShopRemotes.BuyItem

local itemCosts = {
	AK74U = 3500,
	BANDAGE = 200,
	UZI = 2000,

	local playerMoney = player.leaderstats.Cash
	if playerMoney.Value < itemCosts[item] then return end
	playerMoney.Value -= itemCosts[item]
	local toolToGive = serverStorage.Tools.FindFirstChild(item)
	toolToGive.Parent = player.Backpack

you need to use colons for FindFirstChild.

local serverStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")

local buyRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ShopRemotes.BuyItem

local itemCosts = {
	AK74U = 3500,
	BANDAGE = 200,
	UZI = 2000,

	local playerMoney = player.leaderstats.Cash
	if playerMoney.Value < itemCosts[item] then return end
	playerMoney.Value -= itemCosts[item]
	local toolToGive = serverStorage.Tools:FindFirstChild(item)
	toolToGive.Parent = player.Backpack

with a period, it would be trying to find an instance with the name of “FindFirstChild” under the tool.

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ohh must have been a spelling error, thank you so much for the help man!