Hello! In my game, I have a seat that gives a player a tool, and then deletes the tool when the player stands up. However, due to a necessary regen script that :Destroys()'s the seat’s model, regenerating the seat while a player is in it causes the tool to remain in the player’s inventory.
Therefor, I’m attempting to write a script inside the tool that destroys the tool when the Player Humanoid’s sitting state changes. I do this by checking for the tool both in the Player’s model and in the Player’s character
I’m using GetPropertyChangedSignal(“Parent”) to check when the tool is equipped/put in the Player’s backpack. I don’t check for the Player Humanoid’s Sit property because the path for the player changes depending on if the tool is equipped or not. Using my current method results in these issues:
If the player has the tool equipped when the seat is destroyed and they stand up, the tool only destroys itself when they put it into their backpack.
If the player has the tool in their backpack when the seat is destroyed and they stand up, the tool only destroys itself when they equip it.
I’m a programmer only by necessity, so I apologize if I’m missing an obvious solution. Here’s my code (forgive the mess):
local player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent
local tool = script.Parent
local char = tool.Parent
local function WeaponDestroy()
--Check if tool is in backpack
if tool.Parent.Name == "Backpack" then
if player.Character.Humanoid.Sit == false then
if tool:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model") then
if tool:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model").Humanoid.Sit ~= true then
Any help would be appreciated—I was at this for 4 hours last night.
An alternative solution would be to go into the Seat’s script and check for Seat:Destroying to remove the player’s tools, but I didn’t write that script and I don’t feel confident messing around in it.
Why put the destroying logic in the tool? Just put it inside the seat itself.
if script.Parent.Occupant == nil then return end
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent.Occupant.Parent)
if not player then return end
local character = player.Character
local backpack = player.Backpack
local tool = game.StarterPack.Tool -- Your tool(I put this for testing purpouses)
for i,v in character:GetChildren() do
if v:IsA("Tool") and v.Name == tool.Name then v:Destroy() return end
for i,v in backpack:GetChildren() do
if v:IsA("Tool") and v.Name == tool.Name then v:Destroy() return end
I see I only implied this in my post, but the reason I don’t put it inside of the seat is because the seat is being destroyed during the model regeneration. Your code above doesn’t run as-is (I did change the tool’s path to match the one it’s being cloned from, so if it triggered it would be comparing the right name).
However, it might work if I rewrite it to specifically trigger on Seat.Destroying:Connect(). I’ll mess around with it—unless you disagree?
I clone a backup and parent it to a folder in workspace, yes.
Unfortunately my idea to connect the function to .Destroying didn’t work either. This is so frustrating—it feels like I’ve been dancing around an obvious solution for hours, haha.
Yup! I’ve been trying your solution out (both the original and my modified one) as we’ve gone back-and-forth, as well as modifications to my original script.
What I’m beginning to arrive at is like… a script inside StarterPlayerScripts that triggers if Player.Character:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Sit) and Sit ~= true, which then loops through Player.Backpack and Player.Character for the tools to destroy. Something like
local player = script.Parent.Parent
local backpack = player.Backpack
local character = player.Character
local tool = game.ServerStorage.Cannon.Cannon
local SeatStatus = character.Humanoid
local function WeaponDestroy()
if SeatStatus.Sit ~= true then
for i,v in character:GetChildren() do
if v:IsA("Tool") and v.Name == tool.Name then v:Destroy() return end
for i,v in backpack:GetChildren() do
if v:IsA("Tool") and v.Name == tool.Name then v:Destroy() return end
else return end
Unfortunately this doesn’t work either, but it does seem like another solution that almost works
Forget about what I said here’s my code that works:
Server Script in tool:
local LocalPlayer = script:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Player")
local Tool = script.Parent
local Character = LocalPlayer.Character or LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local function CheckState()
if not Humanoid.Parent or not Humanoid.Sit or Tool.Parent:IsA("Backpack") then
Server Script in Seat:
local Occupant = script.Parent.Occupant
if Occupant then
local NewTool = script.Tool:Clone()
NewTool.Parent = Occupant.Parent
NewTool.tool.Enabled = true
Try using a normal/server script in just the seat itself, my version just works vanilla if its set up like that. Im also afraid if you delete the tools in the client they might stay on the server, might cause some problems in the future.
I guess try it out like that, I don’t know what else might fix it.
Thanks for your reply! I got help with a solution, but just FYI your tool script fires as the player enters the seat, so it destroys the tool too early.
local LocalPlayer = script:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Player")
local Tool = script.Parent
local Character = LocalPlayer.Character or LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local function CheckState()
if not Humanoid.Sit then
This works, and is a lot simpler than the solutions I was brainstorming. If nothing else, all my troubleshooting taught me a lot about methods like GetPropertyChangedSignal and the best way to locate the player. Thank you all for your help as I learn what exactly I’m doing here.