Hello, I’ve made a animated tool equip system with the help of a tutorial I found, when equipping the tool my animations play correctly and there seems to be no issues, though when unequipping the tool the model falls out of the players hand. When the tools equipped again the program returns an error but the animation plays as normal. How can I stop the tool from dropping to the ground? Any help will be appreciated!
I just noticed I posted the same two images, this is the third script:
You’re right, I added a waitforchild and the error went away. But the tool still dropped after the unequip. I found out setting the model’s parent to nil during the unequip event fixes it but is that a problem? Idk if it’s bad to set a parent to nil
it is looks like that your tool have multiple parts,
to make a tool with multiple parts simply make a part and name it Handle and put the other parts inside it and weld then to the handle.
What are the properties of the tool? If you have a custom animation or you’re using a bodyattach then the tool should have “Required Handle” checked off.
This is a screenshot of my tool, BodyAttach is what would be named “Handle” and that option is checked off, I’m just really confused on why the tool is dropping when it’s unequipped idk if that’s normal behavior
Yeah the first thing I made it do when equipping the tool back is parent it back to its place, it works fine, actually the issue of this post is solved I’m just trying to find a fix to the axe/tool teleporting to the players hand at the beginning of the animation instead of just smoothly going straight into the animation. Thanks for the help!