When you pickup a Tool, if it has a Icon Image, Tools that do not have an Icon Image that occupy the same Slot, will appear blank. Normally It would show the name of the Tool.
This bug happens every-time. To reproduce just pickup a tool without an icon and one with then swap their places in the Backpack. Tool_IconRepro.rbxl (13.3 KB)
This happens in any game that uses a normal backpack.
^When you first pickup a Tool with No Icon.
^Once you Drop the First Tool and pickup a Tool with an Icon in the same slot.
^Picking up any tool without an Icon appears blank.
It seems to have happened somewhat recently. I’m not too sure when it exactly started.
The moved tool in question is “M4A1 Modded”. Upon moving it from Slot 8 to Slot 4, the name was purged. Moving it back to Slot 8 restored its name.
I find that the backpack UI is relatively finnicky in general, but that’s for another report.
This is happening sometimes when I have a tool cloned into my backpack, and it seems to be pretty random. It’s effecting our cooking system at SizzleBurger as our Chefs have no idea what tool it is out of their backpack.
This has also been happening at Pinewood Computer Core, when loadout tools are cloned into my backpack. Random tools will appear blank. In this instance, the tool in question is called “Taser”. This only happens to tools with no icons that are cloned into the backpack.
I’ve recently been experiencing this issue with my group Pastriez. This has caused the food system I designed to glitch and causes users some confusion. It is good to know that it is not just me though!
This issue is still prevalent in my games, and it’s causing disturbances to a lot of my users. Icons are important for some of the tools that we use, and it would be a shame if we had to completely discard them
I am bumping this because the issue is still not resolved, it is happening in my games and it is very annoying. Icons are very important for some of the tools used in my games, so removing them all would be a very annoying thing to do when this issue could just be resolved.
I know its only been 5 days… But this is seriously annoying, and its been ridiculously long since the thread was initially posted. This deserves to be fixed, I don’t work at Roblox, so I can’t speak for the experience, but surely it can’t be too hard? At the very least, we could get some word about it.
Three months later, still prevalent. This issue has been going on for a long time and it’s so annoying. Roblox needs to get their things together if they want 2020 to be a good year for roblox .
I know, it’s so frustrating and should’ve been fixed a long time ago. This happens all the time and when it does it becomes very difficult to tell tools
This issue occasionally happens to me as well, sometimes on Studio and other times on mobile. When I’m on mobile, myself and others at my group Roblox Resorts experience this when they simply click on a cup for food. The tool name is just blank.
Hopefully this can be resolved soon. This topic was created over a year ago and must be bumped.
This is still happening to me too. It’s very inconvenient because I can’t figure out what the tools are supposed to be when the name glitches and disappears.
This is still happening to me and it’s getting very annoying. Is there any news on a fix yet? I can’t even figure out what my tools are supposed to be now.
I’ve been trying to fix this and decided to check the Devforum since I can’t figure out whats wrong. To see that this has been broken for over a year with no acknowledgement from site administrators is very frustrating.
Sadly, this bug is out for more than one year now. This bug is really annoying and this needs to be fixed. Hopefully Roblox will decide to do something, because this is already terrifying. Also if anybody has found some way hwo to fix this (or some workaround) then please share it with us. The default backpack is really bugging hard, so I’m starting to think about making custom backpack UI.
Hey, hey! I didn’t expect to see this thread again, but its just disappointing that this is still happening with seemingly no attention from Roblox. Simply rearranging your tools can result in this happening, and its frustrating to still have to deal with this.
To those who are having problems with this, it looks like your best bet is to create your own backpack.