I made a tool in starterpack, and when I press play and equip it, it spawns where its position is, not where the player’s hand is.
Is it anchored? Make sure the toolgrip is correct too.
it is not anchored, the tool grip is fine.
Does it have any scripts? Can you share those scripts if it does? Can you show images of the issue?
I made scripts for some parts of it, but it doesnt interfere with this.
What about the images of the issue?
btw i changed anchored to true.
when anchored isnt true, it just drops at that position.
Set anchored to false! I would like to see the actual issue.
I just now set it to false and published.
Hm. This is strange. Can you upload the tool as a model so I can check out and see what may be causing the issue?
Is there a handle in the tool?
Okay. I’ve looked at it and your issue was that the extra parts need to be parented to the Handle and need to be welded to it. I’ve got it working in my testing place.
FixedMop.rbxm (19.2 KB)