Tool not appearing onto the player's arm

I’ve finished creating my model using Blender, and exported them into Roblox Studio. My goal was for the player to equip the model into their backpack, and have it on their arm when used. However, when I inserted a tool into the workspace and added the model in, it doesn’t seem to put the model onto the player’s arm, even though it’s in the player’s backpack. Instead, the model just spawns at the center of the baseplate every time I use it.

I’ve tried methods such as exporting and importing the meshparts (as I thought the problem was that there’s too many meshparts) but apparently my mesh has “Too many triangles” and how I exceeded the limit. I also tried to combine all the meshparts and create a model, but that also doesn’t fix the problem. I tried naming one part ‘Handle’, but only one part appears on the player’s arm, and it doesn’t work if I do it for all of them.

I’m new to 3D modeling, and I’m in desperate need for help as I can’t find any solutions to this problem.

I think that you need to parent all of the mesh parts to the part named “Handle”. According to Tool | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub you need a part named “Handle”, but it doesn’t say if you need all parts of the model to be parented to the Handle or you need it to be in a model object. Maybe just try both having all parts parented to Handle and having all parts be in a Model object with a part named “Handle” in the model.

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Add into your handle as shown.

This script “Welds” the parts together, therefore allowing the object to be in one peice.

P.s. I demonstrated with and without the script so bear with me for the entire demo

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