Tool not moving during in-game animation

Not so sure what category to put this post under so make sure to read through everything before making a judgement.

I need help with animation in-game. My animation which consists of your arms and a gun works fine in moon animator, but when the animation is played in-game only the arms move but the gun that I animated do not move.

In Moon Animator

In Game


It looks like you are using welds, for animation you never want to use welds, just Motor6D (Joints)
I think if you delete the welds, so long as the model doesnt fall apart, it should work fine.

Welds keep an object staticly aligned to the part its welded to amongst its CFrame coordinates (C0 & C1)
Motor6D Joints will work like a weld in keeping it together without anchoring but also allows for animation tracks to edit the cframes.

Conclusion: Delete the welds

I removed the welds, and kept the important ones however tool still won’t move. 30 minutes late to respond because I got frustrated on why it wasn’t working.

We can figure this out. Just may take some time. Can you show me a picture of how the tool is rigged and connected to the arm

What exactly do you mean? Like from the studios or in-game? Also picture of tool or arm because I need clarification.

In studio, i want to see where the entire model containing the arm and gun is. And if you could expand all the details so i can see everything included down to the joints

I only sent the tool because the arm you saw in the video was a View Model created using a module.

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Do you have time to respond or have you forgotten about this post? I really need this problem resolved. I don’t mean to come off as rude or impatient.

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Im sorry for leaving you hanging like this. You might not be able to achieve what you’re trying to do with a tool. You may need to create a new system where you take a model with all the components inside, align the parts within the camera viewport and weld all the animateable components to a basepart that is anchored. With the basepart anchored you can update the CFrame of the basepart to the cameras CFrame and adjust the offset. This is a powerful method of doing this and very common in first person shooters.

The reason this wont work as you would like it to - Once you have the tool loaded into the workspace, the handle welds itself automatically to the wielders arm, so the arm can still animate, but the tools handle is stuck in place from the weld.

I dont get notifications from the forum on my computer, if youd like to reach out to me for quicker assistance/help feel free to add me on discord @snake.gxd

I also have some first person framework systems laying around if youd like a copy that you can use as reference to the system I mentioned in my last comment

I appreciate your attempt at helping me, really, but as you were saying, not exactly what I’m looking for.