So I made a tool that plays an animation then adds a character mesh to the player so it changes the torso but I noticed that other players only see the animation but not the TorsoMesh. Only the person that used the tool can See it. I know that I gotta use a Remote event but how can I set it up. I don’t know much about remote events.
Something like this would be:
Server script in ServerScriptService
Remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.TorsoChange
-- Your code
Remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.TorsoChange
And you put a RemoteEvent in ReplicatedStorage and call it “TorsoChange”.
Move the fragment that changes the torso and put it on the server:
– Your code
I don’t know what method you use to change the torso.
well. I have the CharacterMesh in replicated storage. and if the tool is activated it clones it and goes inside the player.character