Tool not teleporting to a location, but other tool does

so i have this coffee tool and this burger tool, and the system goes like this:
click on the plate, the item will go onto the plate, and the gui will appear.
it works perfectly good for the burger, but for the coffee…


(dont mind thats its a little off)


it teleports there!

here is the part of the script that teleports it.

	for _,v in pairs(backpack:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Tool") then
			print("Player has a tool! Detecting if it's purchased or not!")
			if v.Purchased.Value == false then
				print("You need to purchase the item first!")
				v.Parent = plate.Placement.Items
				v.Handle.CFrame =
				v.Handle.Anchored = true
				print("Player has purchased item! Giving ending..")

and here is the part of the script that calls it

	if debounce == false then
		debounce = true
		EndingScreen(plr) --the gui i was talkiing about
		print("Please wait before clicking again!")
		debounce = false

ive checked if the position of the coffee changes, and it doesnt.
but the position of the burger does?!

they have the same properties, so i really dont understand!!

let me know if you need anymore information

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Is v.Purchased.Value false or true when you print it before teleporting?

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im not sure why that matters, and i dont really understand the question :sweat_smile:

you have to purchase the item before youre able to teleport it there, so its automatically false unless you purchase it, and i did purchase both items so purchased would be true for the coffee and burger (when i tested it)

why exactly does the purchased value have anything to do with the position in teleporting? help

Sorry, I don’t know why I asked that question, my bad. Try anchoring the item first before moving the tool to the location.

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