Tool parts go visible when equipped

I made a tool with 3 Transparency 1 parts and 1 with Transparency 0. When I equip the tool the parts with Transparency 1 go back to 0 for some reason, so I tried making a script that checks all the children of the tool if they have a BoolValue named Invisible, they would turn back to Transparency 1, but that didn’t work either. What can I do about this?

local ToolChildren = script.Parent:GetChildren()

	for #ToolChildren do
		local Invisble = children:FindFirstChild("Invisible")
		if Invisble then
			Invisble.Parent.Transparency = 1
local ToolChildren = script.Parent:GetChildren()

for index,tool in pairs(ToolChildren()) do
	local Invisble =tool:FindFirstChild("Invisible")
	if Invisble then
		Invisble.Parent.Transparency = 1

Havent seen your tools, but I assume this could help.
If this doesnt help, please show what Invisible is.

The Invisible is the BoolValue the script should find inside the children to make them invisible

You said you’ve tried to fix the issue yourself by writing a script that checks the value of a BoolValue. If this is a function, where in the script is it being run? Each time that you equip the tool, run the code that checks the Transparency of the tool. Also, I would suggest using an ‘in pairs’ loop for something like this