Hello Iam Sam
Today iam trying to make a Tool Saving system!
So I want to make a system that whenever u leave the game it will store the tool and give u back when u join again
I have tried many tutorials but havent found a working one for my game
Here is the one iam using do you find any error ?
You’re pairing through the toolsDB variable, you can’t loop through a GetAsync, instead, assign a value to the player, once a player owns it, make it TRUE, after that, when a player joins, check for that value and if it’s true, give the tool. (e.g clone it)
the “-ownstool1” what is that using for ?
edit that would be the alst question it worked lol
Edit 2 Do u know how to make it work for multiple tool ?
Edit 100 i made it work for only an orange how do i make it like there are 3 oranges (tool) And it only give the strongest ?