Tool Teleporting when equip

My issue is when i equip my tool i get teleported where the tool was.

My tool doesnt have anchored parts or anchored unions, The tool is also welded.

So im not sure at all whats the problem that causes my character to teleport to the tool position before.

The Issue :

Here is how i made the tool


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Make sure none of the parts in the tool are anchored.

The tool dont have any anchored part or any anchored union

Post the code for the Tool equip.

sadly i already tested without the localscripts that the tool uses and looks like its the tool problem not the scripts as i was thinking

probably the model inside the tool is the issue

Can you make the asset a free model or export it so I can take a look?

Gun.rbxm (43.9 KB)

Check to see if the weld are not broken and also it probably thinks it is a character becuase HumanoidRootPart


Looks like the issue all this time was that the rootpart of the model was with the name HumanoidRootPart i now changed it and it works perfectly thank you so much! :smiley:

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No problem just know HumanoidRootPart makes it think it is a character

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