Tool wont work after changing characters?

I have a custom character system that changes a players character into a custom one.

local respawnDelay = 3

game.Players.CharacterAutoLoads = false

        local humanoid = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
        if humanoid then
				repeat wait() until
				player.PlayerGui.ChosenCreature.Value ~= nil

                local newmodel = player.PlayerGui.ChosenCreature.Value:Clone()
                newmodel.Parent = game.Workspace
                newmodel.Name = player.Name
                repeat wait() until
                newmodel.Parent == game.Workspace
                player.Character = newmodel
				player.PlayerGui.ChooseCreature.Enabled = false
repeat wait() until
				player.PlayerGui.ChosenCreature.Value ~= nil

                local newmodel = player.PlayerGui.ChosenCreature.Value:Clone()
                newmodel.Parent = game.Workspace
                newmodel.Name = player.Name
                repeat wait() until
                newmodel.Parent == game.Workspace
                player.Character = newmodel
				player.PlayerGui.ChooseCreature.Enabled = false

a gui opens and the player must select a model to become before the character is changed.
during this time the character remains the same as when the player joined.
my problem is when I use a tool with .Equipped or .Activated, etc, the tool will only work before changing characters, after which the tool will completely ignore the script.
the script is enabled and does exist in the tool, and the tool is also in the backpack were it should be, but despite that changing characters will break it.

is there something Im missing when changing characters that allows tools to be used?

By changing characters, you are removing any previously connected functions to that previous character. You have to reconnect the functions to the new character. Also remember that any tool a player has equipped is stored inside the character, so by replacing the character you are also removing any tool the player has equipped.

I checked if the tool is in the new characters inventory, and it is. but how should I “reconnect” the tool? I tried disabling then re-enabling the script but to no avail.

Remove and re-add the tools while swapping characters.

I called clearallchildren() on the player’s backpack and put in the new tools right after player.character was set, but the tool still wont work. were on my script should I do this at?

If I am not mistaken, you are showing us the character script, and not the tool script. Could it be possible for you to show us that portion?

It seems like that is where the issue might be.

local debounce = false
local cooldownnum = 5

function use()
	if not debounce then
		debounce = true
	local mover ="BodyVelocity")
	mover.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.HumanoidRootPart
	mover.MaxForce =,0,100000)
	mover.Velocity = script.Parent.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector * 90

function cooldown()
	local previousname = script.Parent.Name
	local currentnum = cooldownnum
	script.Parent.Name = currentnum
	for i = 1, cooldownnum do
		currentnum = currentnum - 1
		script.Parent.Name = currentnum
	script.Parent.Name = previousname
	debounce = false


the script inserts and removes a bodymover into the character which causes the character to “charge” forward. it works before changing into the new custom character but stops working afterward.

im not quite sure that this script is a problem though as I made a simple .Equipped function that prints something when equipped, and even that failed to work. I even switched it to a localscript instead of a normal script. no matter what I cant get it to work after changing my character it will only work before changing.

I think the equipped function is the problem, when I put a Print() before .Equipped it runs, its just the equipped function that wont fire.

Just move the tool to repstorage while changing characters. Should work fine.

I moved the tool to replicatedstorage, and had the tool cloned to the player’s backpack while changing, but the .Equipped function still wont run, I can still print stuff, its just I cant use any functions :confused:

I asked another post about custom characters and they found the solution to my problem, my custom characters were missing a few things such as a left arm and a shoulder joint. adding these fixes the problem.


Yep that’ll do it. Thanks for updating us with the issue :slight_smile: