"tool.Activated" doesn't fire

That’s it… That’s all the information…

Going a bit further in depth though, I’m trying to make a tool which needs the Activated function of a tool. My test script that I threw together wasn’t printing after activating the tool… very confusing right? So I go to the creator hub and grab a demo, paste it in, blah blah blah…
(demo in question - In-Experience Tools | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub)
Everything should work now, the script is in the tool,
the script is enabled, I can pick up the tool, etc…
I start a playtest and use the tool and…
where’s the activated function?

help me please, these are very unfortunate events

are you sure the tool.Enabled is true? and requiredhandle aswell??

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Yup, both are enabled…

can i see atleast the code of the tool??

it was supplied in the demo but sure

local tool = script.Parent
local function onEquip()
	print("The tool is now equipped.")
local function onUnequip()
	print("The tool is now unequipped.")
local function onActivate()
	print("The tool is now activated.")
local function onDeactivate()
	print("The tool is now deactivated.")

Hmmm, i will debug a bit and see if i can find this issue

thanks, I have no clue what’s going on

its cause of the manual thingie!!!

i tried it and it gave me no activating thing

(before i activated it you see it worked fine)

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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you so much XD

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