Tool.Activated on Mobile Devices being incorrectly fired during Touch pans and holds

If you go into my game and try to swing a weapon from a mobile device, it will swing that weapon even if you are panning, pinching, or holding the mobile touch screen. Also, if you use the thumbstick while holding a weapon, the Activated event will also fire.

My weapons currently use the Tool.Activated event to detect touch taps on mobile devices, and this change breaks part of the core loop of my game.

The screenshots below are very recent and are referring to the mobile bug I am describing.

Expected behavior

This has to do with a change with the Tool.Activated event, where is should only be fired on mobile devices if you tapped the screen.

Now, it will incorrectly be fired due to any sort of touch on the screen, including the movement thumbstick.


Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks you so much for reporting the issue. We found the cause and it should be fixed now.
Thank you for noticing and letting us know.


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