local toolbase = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.ToolBase)
toolbase.run()–it will start toolbase toolbase.savedata(userid,user.Backpack)–it will manually saves player data toolbase.loadusertools(userid,user.Backpack)-it will manually loads player data
AutoDataSave = true, -- it will save player's backpack tools on player leaving.
LoadDataOnPlayerJoin = true, -- it will load player's backpack on player joining.
BlacklistedTools = {"Sword","Sword2"}, -- It wont save this named tools.
I don’t see why this would be used if ProfileService can be used instead by easily converting the children of the player’s backpack object into a table using that one instance converter module posted a while ago, then saving the table on leave and converting the table back into instances on player join. Also assuming this system uses Roblox’s default DSS