I believe this is filtering out “Non-Verified” creators, or something like that. Only showing my models, and certain creators’ models.
In this video, you can see in my toolbox there is 3 models which should have models between them, which is then shown on my inventory page on the website.
As per the example in my video
“scale”, “RC Racing Garage”, and “PB” don’t show up on my toolbox among other models.
Interesting. There is also a bug where if you search for something on the toolbox in my models, sometimes it will not show up. It might be related to this one.
I did come across this bug once. I think the best thing to do would just to use the command bar to insert the model(s) needed.
Yeah, I think it’s with older models, almost as if there’s a limit to how far back you can see your models in the toolbox, at least in my experience. It’s annoying when you have a lot of models because the other way of viewing it is in your inventory, which doesn’t have a search feature and takes forever to page through.
From what I’ve seen, it only lets you search models that are loaded on the first page of My Models.
Hi @GeorgeOfAIITrades, can you verify that it’s still happening? One possible explanation for what you’re seeing is that within Studio, we are filtering out moderated assets, as well as assets where the creator is currently banned.
The assets don’t appear to be moderated, as they are in my website inventory without issue.
I know for a fact these creators are not currently serving a ban. This issue is still in effect.
We can see from my inventory vs my toolbox:
Here is a direct link to one of the assets that is not showing up, the RC Racing Garage for further debugging purposes.
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Hi @GeorgeOfAIITrades, thanks for confirming. I dug into this a little more, and found that the inventory no longer includes private assets for which you aren’t the creator (or don’t belong to the group that created them). I am confirming whether this is expected behavior or not.
@GeorgeOfAIITrades Question for you: did you acquire these three models from the public marketplace?
These assets were set publicly, I purchased it [for free of course], and then it was set to private.
Why would private assets that you own be removed from the Toolbox? That’s a horrific new feature, if that’s the intended workflow.
Making a model private after someone takes it is a way we as Developers can give someone an asset, and be able to update it regularly without having to send constant streams of files.
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Just chatted with Product. Assets which were purchased and have been made private should show up in inventory, so we’ll get this fixed.
I just want to make a note that this has not been fixed yet to my knowledge.
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Hi @GeorgeOfAIITrades, this is currently in the queue. We’re hoping to resolve it soon.
I’ve been experiencing the same issue recently but all those models that are not showing up are still public and always have been. The only thing in common is that they have the same creator. I have been using the same models before but something recent happened that is causing the issue.
In the mean time I’ve been using the following in the command line to get around this. (Pull the ID from your web browser)
local InsertService = game:GetService("InsertService")
local modelins = InsertService:LoadAsset(id)
modelins.Parent = workspace
Hello everyone. An engineering fix for this issue has been resolved. You should see your assets appear in your inventory, even if they are private, so long as you acquired them before they became private. Please respond to this thread if you are still having trouble accessing your assets.
Currently encountering this same issue, but specifically with the “My Models” tab. Every other tab seems to work just fine
It loads for about 30 seconds, and pops up with no results found (which isn’t true
Bumping because this “no results found” issue is happening to me too and there has been no fix for this. I have DMed Bug-Support since I cannot post bugs (I am only a member, not regular). Below are screenshots showing the same issue, and weirdly this only happens on Relevance sort - other sorts work fine somehow.
Edit: Just tested this on another computer and still not working, so it is clearly an issue on Roblox’s end.