Toolbox, there's no entry for Packages in "Creations", only for Group Packages. While "My Packages" is in the "Inventory" tab

System: Windows 10 - 64bit
Studio Version: Version 0.629.0.6290609 (64bit)


An entry for “Packages” is missing in the “Creations” Tab in the Toolbox Built-In Plugin, but is available in the “Inventory” tab. But the “Creations” tab has a “Group Packages”, but doesn’t have one for “Packages”, which is confusing.

I can find it inside my Inventory.

But it’s missing in the Creations tab, but “Group Packages” exists.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Open Roblox Studio
  2. Go to the Toolbox and click on the “Tabs” Component that says “Inventory” with the
    image Icon.
  3. Click on the “My Models” dropdown and observe how there’s an entry for “My Packages”.
  4. Go to the Toolbox and click on “Creations”
  5. Click on the dropdown and observe how there’s “Group Packages”, but not “Packages”

Expected Result

That you can find your own User Packages in the Creations, by it appearing as a Dropdown entry.

Actual Result

There’s a bit of inconsistency, which causes a tiny bit of confusion. You can find “My Packages” in the “Inventory” tab, but not in the “Creations” tab, except for Group Packages.


Thank you for the feedback, and apologies for any confusion this may have caused. We are in the process of evaluating how we can improve the end-to-end inventory and asset management in Toolbox and Asset Manager, with a focus on scalability, usability and functionality. At this time, we will not be making further enhancements to current inventory/creations sections in Toolbox, but will take the feedback into consideration. We will provide a more detailed update over the next couple of months.


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