Hello. I am trying to make an FPS type game, and I want to display the current tool like the way Minecraft does. To achieve that, I made the tool offsetted from the player’s camera instead of their right arm, and the server sees the tool offested from the player’s arm.
But the issue I am having is offsetting the tool CFrame using its Grip property. I tried doing it using this code:
handle.CFrame = camera.CFrame * cf * CFrame.fromMatrix(tool.GripPos, tool.GripRight, tool.GripUp, -tool.GripForward)
--variable cf is the offset where the "right hand" is located
But when I do this, the tool is oriented wrong.
And it’s not the grip properties itself because
And if I negate tool.GripForward…
handle.CFrame = camera.CFrame * cf * CFrame.fromMatrix(tool.GripPos, tool.GripRight, tool.GripUp, tool.GripForward)
(thus being
handle.CFrame = camera.CFrame * cf * tool.Grip
), then the tool becomes inside-out.