Toolgrip problems

I have a question about toolgrips

is toolgrip no longer a member of torso?
example: char.Torso.ToolGrip

did i do anything wrong because studio is saying that toolgrip isnt one

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You are correct that ToolGrip is not a member of the Torso or HumanoidRootPart. In Roblox, the ToolGrip is actually a property of the Tool object, which is usually parented to the player’s character or the player’s backpack.

ToolGrip is a CFrame value that defines the relative position and orientation of the tool when it is equipped by the player’s character. To access and modify the ToolGrip property, you need to get a reference to the Tool object.

For example, you have a tool named “MyTool” in your character’s backpack:

local tool = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("MyTool")
if tool then
    print("Current ToolGrip:", tool.ToolGrip)
    tool.ToolGrip =, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, 0) -- Update the ToolGrip value as needed

This code snippet finds the “MyTool” object in the player’s backpack, prints its current ToolGrip value, and then sets a new ToolGrip value. Remember to replace “MyTool” with the actual name of the tool you want to work with.