I am making a weapon in my game that has rope-like physics, but the only problem is is that the constraints acts really weird
Does anyone know why this happens and how to fix it?
I am making a weapon in my game that has rope-like physics, but the only problem is is that the constraints acts really weird
Does anyone know why this happens and how to fix it?
This looks like a problem with where the part connected to the player with a rope is spawned, not the rope itself.
Ive tried changing its spawn position next to the player, but it doesnt do anything
How are you spawning the part? Are you changing the attachment point for the rope when spawning the part to be relative to it?
Heres the script
tool.Hitbox.Position = tool.Handle.Position
I made a small studio file for you with something similar to the tool you are creating. It doesn’t have any scripts but should provide what you are looking for.
rope tool test.rbxl (60.2 KB)
Thanks, but this still has the problem of the original with it lagging the player behind
Also the “rope” that mine uses multiple chain parts connected with BallSocketConstraints
Hmmm, I didn’t have it lag the player for me, but since ropes work using Roblox’s physics instead of having a set range of motion, it can run into some problems similar to that. I would try messing around with the constraint values alongside turning off collisions and see if that helps.
Alright, I’ll also try to look for a solution in the meantime
I couldnt find anything as of now, I dont think anyonr has had this problem? I guess this also serves to bump it up sooooooo