Tool's Handle isn't rotating like in the animation

Hello, I’ve been struggling with an issue for a while now and I was wondering if you could help me find a solution.

I created an animation for a tool where the handle is supposed to be connected to the humanoid’s root part and move freely, rather than being attached to the arm. While it works fine in the animation editor, the handle remains connected to the right arm when I play the animation.

Do you have any suggestions on how I can fix this issue? Thanks!

Animation in the Animation Editor:

Animation in game:

What does the tool look like (structure)? How is the handle attached? What do you use to make the animation? How is the animation made? Provide some more information, please

Tools structure:

Animation Dummy structure:

The animation was made using the default Roblox animation editor. The Handle is attached with a Motor6D to the HumanoidRootPart as you can see its called “Handle”.

There has been an engine bug for a while now that slightly breaks Motor6D joints when they are being animated. I think your problem has something to do with that bug.

If you attached the tool to the HRP because you want it to move freely and not be locked to the hand, you could maybe use a normal tool with a Handle (which gets attached to the hand) and then attach the rest of your tool (the bomb) to that handle with a Motor6D and animate it separately. Im not sure if this is going to solve the bug or not, but it’s worth a try

It’s okay ill try it. But ive thought maybe when the player equips the tool it changes the Handles directory to be rooted to the HRP and then it could maybe work? But thanks anyways for the thought!

Thats also worth trying, just make sure you create the second attachment first and then delete the original weld after, otherwise the tool could disappear or get unequipped

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