Tools not showing for other Players

Hey! So im currently working on a Roblox FPS Shooter game. The Problem: The Tools are visible for the own Player, but not the Tools from other Players. So you can see the Gun with the viewmodel, but your Team-mate holds just his hand in the air with nothing in the hand.

Another Problem is, that the Script who gives the guns, is already a server Script.

Here is the Script:

			-- Leere den Rucksack bei Tod

		-- Waffen aus dem WeaponRandomizer holen
		local weaponRandomizer = game.ReplicatedStorage.WeaponRandomizer:GetChildren()

		-- Tabellen für Primär- und Sekundärwaffen
		local primaryWeapons = {}
		local secondaryWeapons = {}

		-- Trenne die Waffen in Primary und Secondary
		for _, weapon in ipairs(weaponRandomizer) do
			local classValue = weapon:FindFirstChild("Class")
			if classValue then
				if classValue.Value == "Primary" then
					table.insert(primaryWeapons, weapon)
				elseif classValue.Value == "Secondary" then
					table.insert(secondaryWeapons, weapon)

		-- Zufällige Waffen auswählen
		if #primaryWeapons > 0 then
			local randomizedPrimaryWeapon = primaryWeapons[math.random(1, #primaryWeapons)]:Clone()
			randomizedPrimaryWeapon.Parent = player.Backpack

		if #secondaryWeapons > 0 then
			local randomizedSecondaryWeapon = secondaryWeapons[math.random(1, #secondaryWeapons)]:Clone()
			randomizedSecondaryWeapon.Parent = player.Backpack

i added a Picture how it looks.

For others to see the tool, your tool must be parented to the character not backpack.


So how would the code to give the Player the gun would be?

Do i need to change this line?:

	-- Zufällige Waffen auswählen
	if #primaryWeapons > 0 then
		local randomizedPrimaryWeapon = primaryWeapons[math.random(1, #primaryWeapons)]:Clone()
		randomizedPrimaryWeapon.Parent = player.Backpack

	if #secondaryWeapons > 0 then
		local randomizedSecondaryWeapon = secondaryWeapons[math.random(1, #secondaryWeapons)]:Clone()
		randomizedSecondaryWeapon.Parent = player.Backpack
	end`Preformatted text`

Yes, parent it to the player character instead.

Alright, i tried it, but it didnt changed it. Instead it gave me these errors:

Head is not a valid member of Model “Workspace.Player1”
Velocity v is nil! - Client - Spring:142
19:08:04.594 Cannot perform arithmetic due to nil values. - Client - Spring:151
19:08:08.898 RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep removed different functions with same reference name UpdateGun 2 times. - Studio

Also i spawn now in the air and fall down to the map instead of spawning to the Spawnpoint & if i have the pistol in the hand, after 3 secs it disapears. But the Primary weapon is still visible for the viewmodel but not for other players

The errors are not related to the changes you did.

If there are another scripts that checks for the tool inside the player’s backpack, fix it and change it to check the player character instead.

Ah alright i will try that and reply

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Maybe i found the error:

So i did the Handle transparancy to 0 instead of 1. Now Others can see a tool in his hand. Problem: The gun from the Viewmodel should be showen there instead of this gun. Is that right, or is that not the Solution and need to change the scripts?

Recheck if you have the correct model there tho.

rotate your tool handle until the orientation is correct

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Thank You very much. That helped me