Tools not working when put from replicated storage to players backpack

Tools where working when I tested them in starterPack, but when I make store clone them from replicated storage to playersbackpack they do not work. This is the code that clones and moves it:

local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(itemName)
local toolClone = tool:clone()
toolClone.Parent = player.Backpack

Is this being called from the server or client? Also is there any errors on your Output at all?


No errors. this code is inside local script

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maybe try cloning them to StarterGear too?

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Sorry, to be more clear the items are getting put in the players backpack, but when I try to use them they dont work, no errors though the scripts are not disabled but they are not getting called for some reason

Ah, alright

The reason why that happens is that you’re only cloning the Tool on the client, which won’t be replicated across the server that way (And would result in a lot of breaking related errors and such)

You could workaround this by using RemoteEvents, firing from the client & receiving the tool from the server that way

--Handle your tool clone here by firing a RemoteEvent instead
local Event = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")

--Server Script that'll detect the change
local Event = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")

Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, itemName)
    local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(itemName)
    local toolClone = tool:clone()
    toolClone.Parent = Player.Backpack

How do I connect the event to cloning and giving it to player?

The code examples I give should automatically detect the change for when the Event gets fired, just make sure to put the ServerScript inside a secure place like ServerScriptService, and your LocalScript to where you want to fire the event (Or where you originally wanted to clone the tool on the client side)

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How will the player and item name parameters be passed into the function???

Oh wait I forgot about that

Yeah just pass your itemName variables inside those parameters, and it should work just fine

The Player is the first argument when using OnServerEvent, so you don’t need to define that when calling FireServer() so it should look something like this:

Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, itemName)
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Umm will the player parameter be automatically given because their localscript called event or is that just not added?

The player parameter of OnServerEvent is automatically given when you fire to the server, you do not pass it in yourself

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OnServerEvent() will pretty much wait for the specific player who fired it, so there’s really no need to pass that onto the local side

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Does this look about right???

The function is not getting called. I have it in a script where the gears are located is there something I am missing?

Try implementing a couple of prints to make sure that the RemoteEvent stuff is being called? (Both on the server & client)

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The script itself in replicated storage is not getting called?

Did the client side print anything? It should look something like this: If it did, then probably it’s something having to do with the server side :thinking:

print("Event fired")

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Oh yea it works now!!! :grin: Thankyou!!!

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