Tools not working


Hello! So me and my modeler just finished 2 of the Pizzas for my restaurant, and imported them into studio. Now, I am trying to do a script (already made) which once clicked, will duplicate the tool in your inventory from ServerStorage, but there are some issues.


Basically, once the system duplicates the tool from ServerStorage, when I equip it, a part of the pizza is in my hand, and another part of the pizzas goes on the baseplate.

  • I have tried unanchoring all the meshes in the tool, and anchoring the ones in the workspace, but it won’t work anyways.

Help is appreciated! :+1::grinning:

Instead of duplicating just the tool, do this.

Duplicate TOOL

Duplicate CHILDREN of TOOL

Set the Parent of the CHILDREN to the NEWLY DUPLICATED TOOL

^ make sure you do this FIRST.

The code snippet is just an example. It will most likely not work with your script.

it would look like something like this:

local SS = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local Plrs = game:GetService("Players")

local plr = Plrs.LocalPlayer
local tool = SS:FindFirstChild("Tool")

--Click Event Here
tool.Parent = plr.Backpack
local toolChildren = tool:GetChildren()
for i in pairs(toolChildren) do
    i.Parent = tool

I do not know if this is correct. Do not use this in your own code. Do something like it though.

Did you weld all the parts of your tool together? If you don’t, you will be holding only the handle and all the other parts will fall.

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You’ll need to make sure your parts are welded together, it looks like the other part doesn’t have a weld object keeping it from falling on the surface.

This is a topic that’s been asked and brought up already including frequently. The parts needs to be welded together since one of the parts are missing a weld. There’s a plugin you could try that was suggested before (Auto Welder) it’ll keep your parts welded so it doesn’t fall apart as that’s the best you can do if your tool still doesn’t equip.

Just for future noticed consider using the search function just to see if your question hasn’t been asked already: