Not all parts are showing up in my tool

Hey everyone,
Lately I’ve been working on some airline food tray tools and I’ve been having an issue with most of the parts on the tool not showing up.
Here is what I mean.
This is what the tray of food is supposed to look like:
When I run the game and equip the tool, the only parts showing up is the cake in the top left corner. The other parts are on the ground.
I have no idea what I’m doing wrong, and I have been trying a bunch of ways to make it work. I have welded the parts and they are all unanchored. Any help is highly appreciated.

Edit: Thank you so much for all the help!
have a cookie :slight_smile:


Are the food welded to the tray? Or maybe you anchor some of the food?

Can you check if the parts are archived? (AKA checking if the archivable tool is on so that parts don’t fall through the tray.

If you select the tool in the explorer view in your backpack/character: are all of the parts there? Are they instanced and just not visible or entirely nonexistent ingame?

Did you group all of it? Check it please.

Nope, none of the parts are anchored.

I did group the parts together.

It appears to be missing welds, welds hold parts together to ensure they don’t fall. You should weld all of the parts to the Handle to have it function as intended. To do this, you either need to program a weld script, find one, or use a weld plugin which welds an entire model together.

EDIT: Try this plugin. I have used it before and it works great. You simply select the model to weld, then click “Weld” under the Plugins section of studio. It also has a Unweld feature.