Tooltip Module V2
NOTE:This is my first open-sourced project on the DevForums, so if there are errors in documentation or bugs in the code or anything you’d like to point out, please do.
Tooltip Module is something I made about a month ago just because I was bored, and I decided to make it open-source, mainly for the fact that I couldn’t find any other tooltip module out here on the DevForums. I’m not going to keep this in active development, as I’m involved in other projects right now, but I sure will fix bugs or even add suggested features if requested.
Get the Tooltip Module here:
GitHub RAW:
Uncopylocked Test Place:
Update Log
• Rewrote the module to more of an OOP (metatable) approach
• Now you can set Label properties directly via the tooltip object, thanks to __newindex
(its mentioned in the docs below)
• Added some aliases to functions:
- tooltip:Disconnect()
- tooltip:disconnect()
, tooltip:Destroy()
, tooltip.destroy()
- tooltip:Show()
- tooltip:show()
- tooltip:Hide()
- tooltip:hide()
Documentation is already given at the top of the ModuleScript, but let me write it down here anyways.
TooltipModule(<Your UI Object> [Instance], <Tooltip Text> [String])
- Creates a new tooltip
- Object parameter is required
- Text parameter is optional. If not passed, defaults to “Tooltip”
- Returns object: tooltip
local module = require(Tooltip)
local tooltip = module(script.Parent.TextButton, "This is my tooltip text!")
Object tooltip functions
1. tooltip:Show()
- Makes the tooltip visible
- Returns object: tooltip
local tooltip2 = tooltip:Show() --tooltip2 and tooltip are the same
2. tooltip:Hide()
- Gets the tooltip out of view
- Returns object: tooltip
local tooltip2 = tooltip:Hide() --tooltip2 and tooltip are the same
3. tooltip:SetText(<Your Text> [String])
- Changes the tooltip text
- Text parameter is required
- Returns object: tooltip
local tooltip2 = tooltip:SetText("I changed the text") --tooltip2 and tooltip are the same
4. tooltip:SetOffset(<Your Offset> [UDim2])
- Changes the tooltip offset relative to the mouse position
- Offset parameter is required
- Returns object: tooltip
local offset =, 0, 0.15, 0)
local tooltip2 = tooltip:SetOffset(offset) --tooltip2 and tooltip are the same
5. tooltip:SetPadding(<Your Padding> [Vector2])
- Changes the padding between text and frame
- Padding parameter is required
- Returns object: tooltip
local padding =, 0.25)
local tooltip2 = tooltip:SetPadding(padding) --tooltip2 and tooltip are the same
6. tooltip:Disconnect()
- Deletes the tooltip
Object tooltip properties
1. tooltip.Gui [Instance]
- The tooltip gui
- Consists of Frame > TextLabel
- Can be easily customizable
2. tooltip.Text [String]
- Changes the tooltip text
- The function need not necessarily used but using the function is recommended
3. tooltip.Offset
- Changes the tooltip offset relative to the mouse position
- The function need not necessarily used but using the function is recommended
4. tooltip.Padding
- Changes the padding between text and frame
- The function need not necessarily used but using the function is recommended
5. tooltip[any_textlabel_property]
- Changes the specified property of the “HoverText” TextLabel in the Tooltip gui
Example Code
local module = require(script.Parent.Parent.Tooltip) -- Require the Tooltip Module
local tooltip = module(script.Parent, "Test Tooltip") -- Pass the object to lay the tooltip on and the tooltip text
tooltip.TextColor3 =, 0 ,0)
tooltip:SetText("Tooltip Text + TextLabel Color Changed") -- SetText function, allows to change the tooltip text
tooltip.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
tooltip.Gui.Frame.AnchorPoint =, 0) -- Customizing the tooltip gui, changing the Frame's AnchorPoint to be specific
tooltip:SetOffset(, 0, 0, 0)) -- Set a Tooltip offset relative to mouse position
tooltip:SetText("Tooltip Offset + Frame AnchorPoint Changed") -- Change text as in line 4
tooltip:Disconnect() -- Disconnect the tooltip, basically wipe it off from existence lol
warn("Tooltip disconnected")
Tooltip Gui hierarchy:
> Tooltip.Gui Instance [ScreenGui]
> Tooltip.Gui.Frame Instance [Frame]
> Tooltip.Gui.Frame.HoverText Instance [TextLabel]
As mentioned above, this is my first open-source project on the DevForums, so please leave feedback on it down in the replies. Please point out if there are bugs or errors in documentation or literally anything that I have to fix. Constructive critisism is appreciated.
If you plan on using this module, you need not give credit but credits are always appreciated!