ToolTip Texts on GUIs

Hi guys! Before I start, I wan’t to tell you something:

1- My grammar is bad

2- I may not explain properly things, since this is my first text tutorial

Thanks to Lightning_Game27 for making a suggestion to add video demonstration :wink:
Ok thats it.

ToolTip Texts for GUIs

So, I’ve packed up this code in a model called “EZ ToolTips” to make your life easy.
But, I know that if you doesn’t clicked EZ ToolTips, you wanna do it yourself.

First of all, I will make a reusable script for any GUI, this means that you can duplicate it in other GUIs and it will work.

So, start by making a simple local script, and make a name for it. In this case, I wanna call it “PlaceholderScript”. After, inside this script, add a TextLabel, and name it. I’m calling it “Placeholder”, since this will be our Placeholder Text.


Now, open your Local Script, and type something like that:

local text="This is a great placeholder text" -- The text that we will be using on your Placeholder
local mode="Middle" -- I wanna make 3 modes:
-- Middle: Sets the placeholder in the middle
-- Up: Sets the placeholder in the up
-- Down: Sets the placeholder in the down.

-- Now, lets go for the real scripting

script.Parent.MouseEnter:Connect(function() -- Mouse Enter = trigger this

  local placeholder = script.Placeholder -- Remember the name you inserted on!
  placeholder.Visible = true -- Is this Visible?
  placeholder.Parent = script.Parent -- OMG, placeholder is visible
  placeholder = script.Parent.Placeholder
  placeholder.Text = text
  if mode == "Middle" then,0,0.25,0) -- This is the middle of the frame or object.
if mode == "Up" then,0,-0.37,0) -- This is the up of the frame or object.
if mode == "Down" then,0,0.88,0) -- The down  of a object

-- Congractulations warrior, you passed the summon part, but now the disappear part
script.Parent.MouseLeave:Connect(function() -- When mouse leaves the box, this will trigger
	local placeholder = script.Parent.Placeholder -- Always remember your placeholder name
	placeholder.Visible = false -- It can't be visible
	placeholder.Parent = script -- Now, we reset placeholder.

Now we made it! :slight_smile:
See how it looks like:


robloxapp-20220422-0854290.wmv (1.3 MB)


robloxapp-20220422-0856579.wmv (1.3 MB)


robloxapp-20220422-0858300.wmv (2.0 MB)

Thanks for reading <3

Leave bugs bellow there, I will try to answer you.


Showing pictures or videos of the final result would help people know what to look out for and what to expect of this tutorial. Please do add this to improve the tutorial. Thanks.


OK! Thanks for the sugestion, I will add it :slight_smile: