TOP 5 Ways to HUSTLE With Roblox

TOP 5 Ways to Make Money With Roblox

Disclaimer This post is a re-uploaded version of a previous post I made.

If you want to reach a savings goal, buy more avatar items, or just add some breathing room to your budget thanks to inflation, side hustles are a great way to make more money.

This list is your inspiration for what kind of side hustle(s) you can take on to make more progress toward your goals. Some are quick ways to earn extra dough, and others require more time and training. But the key to winning with any side hustle is to focus on your specific skills and take advantage of them.

So, grab one of these side hustle ideas (or a few) and get ready to hustle!

5: Shirt Design

The reason this is pretty high on the list is because shirts aren’t always highly profitable. They only sell for five Robux apiece and can be hard to sell. But what if I told you that you can make over 10,000 Robux a day making shirts? It’s true, but you have to do it a certain way. What a lot of groups do is only list three clothing items, and they don’t get sold, leading them to quit.

What you need to do is make a Roblox group. Once you have made a Roblox group, you have to make as much clothing as you can as consistently as you can. You want to make 20–30 shirts at the start, then 5 a day. 5 shirts a day is a lot, but if you can get people working for you, it can be easier. Getting shirts out there consistently will be rewarding.

You can put on as many shirts every single day, but it won’t matter unless people see the group. What you need to do is make a very good ad. If you can make a very good and appealing ad, people will go ahead and click on your group. If they do this, the chance of buying your shirts is high. Once you start doing this, it starts spiraling, and you won’t even need ads anymore. People seeing merch will buy that merch. They might even join the group and buy other pieces.

This won’t happen overnight, but it’s worth a try.

4: Please Donate

Pls donate is probably the most obvious one on here and one of the easiest. Because of this, it might not be as profitable as the other ones, which is why I have placed it at number 4. Some users have used Pls Donate and generated a lot of Robux. While it’s easy to do, it may take some time to get to that level.

Don’t beg When you beg for Robux, people think you have no patience. Remember that pay is usually equal to skill set. Waiting for Robux is easy to do, and you have to invest time. If you choose not to beg, there is a chance that you may encounter a generous player who is willing to give you 1,000 Robux.

You earn less the more you make. Users are less generous when they see you have made a lot of Robux. This is why this method is listed higher up because it may work at the start but eventually slow down.

3: Art Design

There are a lot of people trying to buy art on Roblox. Most of the time, it’s for personal use, maybe for YouTube or Twitter. But there is also a very big market for games. Many top-page games are looking for art. An example is Royal High. Their game passes have implemented art in a very good way.

Top games like Royal High use art in their games. Some people think that the person who made these art pieces didn’t get paid a lot. This is not true. Developers pay quite a lot of Robux to have some good artwork for their game. The artwork has been sold for 25,000 Robux apiece.

In that case, by selling eight of those items, you can swiftly accumulate a total of 200,000 Robux. You can’t expect to make 25,000 Robux right off the bat. You will have to make a name for yourself and build your skills, but it can be profitable to invest your time in.

2: Commissions

Learning a skill and developing it can be very useful. You can offer your skill set to people who already have a game. For example, Dream Set Adopt Me has insane numbers. Unlike Bloxburg, Adopt Me has a lot of developers on it. There are translators, contributors, advisors, testers, staff, and, most importantly, developers. These are all roles that get paid for their time and skill set.

Commission Developers make a lot of Robux from payments. This is especially true coming from a game this large. This depends, however, on whether they are higher. However, if you are just getting started on Roblox, you need to work on smaller games and build your resume.

The highest paying commissions are for well-established games. You can also risk it and work on still-developing games. For example, if you had a 10% commission on a game that got 1 million robux, you would earn 100,000 robux.

Be careful who you work with, as there are no guarantees on anything. You cannot set an exact contract on anything, and you might get scammed. Because of this, only work with trusted people.

1: EasyPass Creator Plugin

If you’re a Roblox enthusiast, you’re already familiar with the incredible earning potential of game development on this dynamic platform. Take, for instance, the success story of Bloxburg, which has reported a staggering 2.5 billion Robux in income—that’s roughly equivalent to 9 million USD!

Now, here’s the exciting part: You don’t need to land on the front page with thousands of active users to rake in substantial Robux. Case Clicker, a game with just around 300 active players, managed to amass a whopping 46 million Robux. This showcases the immense opportunity that exists even for games with a modest player base.

Easy Pass Creator is a plugin made by me that helps users, big or small, monetize their games with ease.

Download my FREE plugin:


EasyPass Creator offers a huge selection of gamepasses that you can create.

Tired of struggling to find clients for your commissions? With Easy Pass Creator, you can streamline your commissions and make them more automated. When someone needs a game pass for their project, you can instantly fulfill their request.

Easy Pass Creator is designed for simplicity and efficiency. Everything is in one place.

More Information

What game passes you can make
  • Powerup:
    boost their speed, jump, or health when they buy a gamepass.

  • Currency Booster:
    boost the amount of currency a user receives. Things like 2x coins in a tycoon

  • Tools:
    Gives the player tools ranging from custom guns to toolbox classic swords.

  • Teleportion:
    When the user buys the item, teleport them to that position. Things like the skip stage

  • Currency:
    Give the user a specified amount of currency when they buy it. Things like a 100-coin product

  • Donation:
    A simple donation that does nothing when bought.

  • Merch:
    Sell your merch!

Some cool things Easy Pass Creator can do:

It recovers the name of your currencies through your scripts.

It will then let you choose it from the menu to select:

How You Can Help

I heavily encourage collaboration with this plugin. Due to the huge potential of this plugin, there may be complications. I will be updating any issues you guys find. All I need is for you to reply to them.


I’m happy to hear you thought my tutorial was cool! If you have any suggestions to make it better I would love to hear your input!


I like your plugin easypass but it honestly seems redundant. Your plugin pretty much is taking on a very simple task which is adding game passes in your game. Furthermore your plugin is it not as flexible or even as good as custom specific made solutions.


Thank you for your feedback! Your input is valuable.

To make sure we are on the same page of understanding, I want to clarify the fields in which my plugin is flexible.


:red_circle: The premade shop GUI is optional :red_circle:

  • The premade shop GUI is an optional choice for developers who are inconvenienced by creating their shop. Easy Pass Creator still has full functionality when developers simply use their own GUI and disable the premade GUI.

Premade shop

  • The premade shop can be fully customized when you manually change its elements. You can also customize the color theme of the premade shop


Shop GUI is hard to make

  • Creating your own shop is more difficult and may not be accessible to less skilled developers

It can be risky

  • Changing the elements of the premade shop can be risky and can break functionality

Now that we are on the same page, let’s think of some solutions to increase the flexibility of the plugin. What do you think of my new idea?

Premade shop builder

  • Users can customize their shop using a manual shop builder which gives them more customization without worrying about breaking functionality. It will be designed to be easier than creating a shop from scratch.

Seems only like a post to market your plugin, which may I say is not even that useful.

If you’re out of helpful ideas don’t make anything is the bottom line.


I appreciate your comments and concerns about my post. I understand how my post may appear to be self-promotional, but my intention was to discuss various Robux hustling techniques, and I included my plugin as an example. To be as transparent as possible, I made it clear to all users that the plugin was created by me. I would love to hear any feedback or suggestions you have to improve the plugin’s functionality.


There really is no way you can improve your plugin. To be honest I feel like your plugin is part of a big trend on the dev forum to create plugins/modules to solve problems that commonly do not exist. In general, like @2jammers mentioned the bottom line is if you don’t have a helpful idea that solves a common inconvenience/problem do not make or create anything.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my plugin. Even if your point of view is critical, I respect it. I would like to point out, however, that different plugins may have different target audiences and use cases. While my plugin may not be appropriate for everyone, it may meet the needs of some users. If you have any suggestions for improving the plugin’s quality, I would appreciate hearing them. I hope we can have more constructive discussions about the use of my plugin.

This is the second time you’ve made this post.


Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I realize this topic has already been discussed, and I appreciate your patience. The earlier post did not explicitly state that the plugin was mine, which resulted in its removal. I re-uploaded the topic after updating the post to be compliant, as is standard procedure and as recommended by the moderator who took action on my post. My goal is to be as transparent as possible, so I’ve included a disclaimer informing readers that this post has been updated. Thank you for raising this issue.

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It does?
Original text:
“we’ve prepared a tutorial created by the official developers themselves.”
While it does skirt around it in some of the topic it says it pretty clearly there.

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I appreciate your feedback on the previous post. I would like to clarify that the original text was misleading in that it implied that the ‘official developers’ were separate from the poster, whereas, in reality, I am both the poster and the developer. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused. To address this, I took a step back to think about my actions and have made an effort to communicate more openly with my viewers. Thank you for being patient and understanding.


I suspect his responses are being created in AI.


The suggestion I have is to remove the plugin. Honestly it is a plugin that nobody can really benefit from and I think for beginners it promotes bad scripting tactics.


Fair assumption, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.


My responses are not being created by an AI. All I’ve been trying to do is be open to feedback and try to get you guys to actually talk about ways I can improve my plugin rather than just insults. I’m trying to be professional about this.

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I’m getting tired of these pointless replies. I have been trying to foster a community of respect, and all I am given are constant insults from you. You are extremely inconsiderate and rude. When I finally get a suggestion from you, rather than give me something worthwhile, you just tell me to delete my plugin. I feel like all the effort I’ve put in to make myself professional and to encourage a positive community is doing nothing to improve the quality of your replies. Do you not have something better to do?

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I literally already told you this. I am trying improve my practices when engaging with you guys. Just because I actually put thought into my messages doesn’t mean I am using AI. I know you guys don’t realize this, but every message since now I’ve put in Grammarly and cleared up clarity, etc. Just look at all the edits each message has.

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I see that the demo video of your plugin isn’t very high quality. I recommend re-recording it and setting the video quality to at least 1080p 60 FPS to look more professional.

Thank you for your feedback! I will definitely improve the quality of the video right away. If you have anything else, feel free to tell me. For example, before I do that, are there specific things you want me to showcase the plugin doing? Should I showcase the currency detection feature or how to disable the premade GUI to use your own?

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