Top Bar Is SemiTransparent

Hello Developers,
So, since the top bar design changed, there has been an issue in the game I am developing. As you will see at the photo bellow, the top bar is semi transparent. I’ve searched all of my scripts, and I found nothing that could cause this.

Any ideas on what I could do in order to fix it?

just do:

game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer:WaitForChild('PlayerGui'):SetTopbarTransparency(transparency that you want)

Or just completely disable the topbar and stretch your frame to the top of the screen

game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCore("TopBarEnabled", false)
Frame.Size =, 0, 1, 100)

try to go in the screengui’s properties and set “IgnoreGuiInset” to true

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Thank you @FKAGamingDeOne for the solution, it was just what I needed. As it turned out, it wasn’t the Top Bars fault, but the frames weren’t big enough to cover the entire screen.

Pretty sure the solution @SquarePapyrus12 gave was the most easiest solution to do (just for people who view this in the future)

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This could actually help me out in my game too, thank you!

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