Top-Down Camera Mobile Support

Currently, I have a custom camera system that is reminiscent of a RTS (Real-Time Strategy) game’s camera: a top-down camera. I have overridden the default camera and control scripts (since I remove the character from the actual game). This works great, in fact, I really enjoy using the camera. I am however, having trouble porting the camera to be mobile-compatible.

The camera system can be seen here:
Camera Testing.rbxl (13.7 KB)
(Controls: WASD to move; scroll wheel to zoom in and out)

I have tried using UserInputService to accomplish this, but I’m not sure which event would be suitable. I’ve tried TouchSwipe, however the directions are rather limited (being only up,left,down,right - I need movement in diagonals as well). I then tried TouchPan, but wasn’t sure quite how to translate the Vector2 to a usable Vector3 within the game.

What I had tried was:

local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")
if direction == Enum.SwipeDirection.Right then
-- move right --
-- you get the idea --
-- this however, didn't allow me to move in diagonal directions --

-- thus, I tried:
uis.TouchPan:Connect(function(touchPositions, translation, velocity)
move_vector = move_vector +, 0, translation.Y)
-- but this resulted in the camera just flying about whenever I swiped on screen

Neither of these solutions worked well at all. Any help would be appreciated :heart:

After some fiddling, I resulted in:

uis.TouchPan:Connect(function(touchPositions, translation, velocity, state, processed)
	if processed then return end
	local vector =
	if translation.X > 0 then
		vector = vector +,0,0)
		vector = vector -,0,0)
	if translation.Y > 0  then
		vector = vector +,0,0.25)
		vector = vector -,0,0.25)
	move_vector = move_vector + vector

This did solve the problem of the massive camera leaps, but the movement still doesn’t seem accurate. It seems whenever I swipe an a direction, it seems to move the camera at an odd angle, though it does seem fixable with some code edits.

Edit 2:
Finally, I ended up just doing this:

uip.TouchPan:Connect(function(touchPositions, translation, velocity, state, processed)
	if processed then return end
	local vector =, 0, translation.X)
	move_vector = (vector)*0.01

This worked perfectly, and was much simpler lol.


I think the issue with the TouchPan code is that the translation is in pixels, not studs.

Think about it - if you swipe half of 1920 pixel wide screen, that’s 960 pixels. Since you’re directly moving it with that value, the camera is moving 960 studs.

So you’d want to divide it by a lot - depending on the mobile screen size, you’d need to calibrate how much to divide the pixel translation to get the world space translation.


Wow, I’m such an idiot lol. I’ve changed the code to now move the camera at specific studs depending on the swipe, and it seems a lot better now, I just need to do some adjustments to the set values so that the camera feels more fluid. Thanks!

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