"Top Favorite" Sort Shouldn't Show Games With More Favorites Than Plays

This is the current “Top Favorite” game on Roblox:

As of right now, there is a problem with bots favoriting games. There is not a single game on the sort right now that hasn’t been botted, and some of them don’t even have a single rating. Right now, the top game has about 56 times more favorites than players, and almost 20,000 times more favorites than likes.
For a bit of context, David Bazooka (my top meme game) 1 favorite for every 20 plays, and Jailbreak has 1 favorite for every 180 plays. There is no reason a game that has enough favorites to be on this sort would have more favorites than plays.

Original idea for thread from TheAmazeman: https://twitter.com/TheAmazemanRBLX/status/903507473495015424


The problem is two-fold as I can see.

These botted favorites affect the standing on all of the Top Favorited sorts

They also affect the search return algorithm.

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Something definitely needs to be done about this. I hope something gets done soon.

I agree

This seems like a logical thing that should have been implemented in the first place.

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The extent to this problem is the Top Favorited sort is worthless to games that would actually be dominating it without the botted favorites. It’s insane

support, it’s getting out of hand w/ the favourite botters.

A selected game could be botted in this manner to remove it from the top-favorite sort. It would get rid of botted games, but would also create an attack against other games.


This… is something I didn’t think of.
Ya, I think we would need a different approach than the OP suggests.

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