Topbar+ v1 (deprecated) | Add additional functionality and themes to your topbar

You can apply a dropdown to an icon by doing something like the following:

        name = "About",
        icon = "rbxassetid://2746077483",
        clicked = function()
            print("Navigate to About")
        events = {}
        name = "Commands",
        icon = "rbxassetid://2746074974",
        clicked = function()
        events = {icon.selected}
        name = "Roles",
        icon = "rbxassetid://2746105644",
        clicked = function()
            print("Navigate to Roles")
        events = {}
        name = "Settings",
        icon = "rbxassetid://2746112353",
        clicked = function()
            print("Navigate to Settings")
        events = {}

For HD Admin itself, we don’t intend to add a dropdown until V3. You can retrieve the V2 icon by doing:

local hdMain = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("HDAdminSetup")):GetMain()
local TopbarController = hdMain:GetModule("TopbarClient")
local hdIcon = TopbarController:getIcon("HDAdmin")

(Sorry this is late, i was busy) this is a great change and adds more to making custom icons, speaking of hd admin, there is any way to make the commands not appear in chat, because on mobile, you can’t use the cmdbar

Edit: there is a command for cmdbar but it shows in the chat anyways

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We plan to support complete UI command execution (to particularly help mobile and new users) for V3, in addition to chat-based commands.


clan wars

All jokes aside, will use this. Just adding more greatness to an amazing piece of work!

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Hey ForeverHD,
I wanted to know, is there a way to make thing such as Admin Panel visible to only a certain amount of people? I know there’s a way to make it just for the gui. But the thing is, could I make it so it’s inside the code of the Local Script(theme) in StarterPlayerScripts?

Is this an admin panel you’ve created yourself and binded to an icon (by using icon:setToggleMenu(guiObject))?

If so, you can use the icon:setEnabled(bool) method to hide/show your admin panel icon for specific users:

-- In a localScript (for instance, in the one you use to create the icons)
local permittedUserIds = {000, 000, 000} -- Put the userIds of people you wish to see the menu here
local localPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer
if table.find(permittedUserIds, localPlayer.UserId) then
    -- They're an admin, show icon
    -- Not an admin, hide icon

Hey ForeverHD,
Thank you so much! It did work with this script. I added it at the script where the icon was created (like you said where it had to be) I now can make it visible to people only matching the User ID’s in the Local Theme Script. Thank you for that!


Hey! I have another question, could we change the think for Controller to make the ui come down? If I use a controller on my phone the Dpads won’t work, everything else works besides the Dpads and the select button to toggle uis, is there a way we could set it to “Y” maybe?

@Mil_dev This should solve your query.

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We may consider support for changeable bindings in the future, however not at the time being due to its niche use. You’re welcome to modify the modules to achieve this.



Very interesting! Going to bookmark for future reference:)

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Is there a way to make the HD Admin Topbar show for people that aren’t NonAdmin, like the ranks higher than 0 (NonAdmin)

Edit: does the hdadmin icon from topbar controller function like the other icons, like the setEnabled, setTheme etc.

Edit2: figured it out

Does HD Admin use Topbar+ It seems to use the style.

I think this is amazing! Keep up the good work!

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Yes HD Admin uses Topbar+, if you have HD Admin in your game, Topbar+ will automatically get loaded.

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Two new features from @Lucke0051!



Customisable Corners

settingsIcon:setCornerRadius(1, 0)


This seems really cool! Now I can finally show what my icons mean, instead of players having to guess!

also, why do you have 38 HDAdmin notifications? :thinking:


Amazing change as always, btw can you make like an icon:setTipTextColor(Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0)) and an icon:setLabelTextColor(Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0)) function, just an idea

Edit: labelTextColor already exists, i couldnt find it in the documentation

You can change the labels colors already.
In the theme, just as you change the image or other objects, change the label:

    ["label"] = {
        selected = {
            TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(57, 60, 65),
        deselected = {
            TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),

We might add customization functionality to the tip in the future.


Not very good info on how to install it.