TopBar not being created

Just began noticing this today in all of the games I played. Basically, the top bar is not being created for some reason and it is leaving an area on the bottom of the window 20px tall of nothing.

Here is a screenshot of it:

Using OS X El Capitan (10.11.4) on a 2013" Retina MacBook Pro 13". Any other Mac (or Windows) users experiencing this?

Seems to work just fine on Windows 10:

Adding onto this, whenever I quit Roblox normally I get a message saying it quit for an unknown reason (crashed).

@EchoReaper that game looks awesome

Thanks! The game is a WIP: Hooked, and its builder is HabaneroDude who doesn’t currently have an account here (but has a nomination up)

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This would be a benefit for me! :raised_hand::weary::ok_hand:

It also breaks StarterGui:SetCore(“TopBarEnabled”), so all scripts relying on it break.