Topbar Overlapping

TopbarPlus by ForeverHD seems to overlap when HD Admin icon appears on mobile for some reason.

(Before the HD Admin topbar)

(After the HD Admin topbar)

Reproduction Steps

Make a new icon, then align it to the center.
Add HD Admin
Playtest on a mobile device
Wait for HD Admin to load

It’s pretty annoying to see this overlapping, so if ForeverHD would fix this, that would be great.

Well, honestly, the only way is to change the GUI settings of the topbar UI. It has probably something to do with the z-index and the GUI list instance they have

Looking into, thanks! Will share more later


I’m struggling to reproduce, here’s my result where TopbarPlus automatically shifts-left or shifts-right when there are overlapping center icons.:

Do you mind sharing a reproduction place file, and sharing the specs of your phone? Does this issue also occur when you try to reproduce it in the Studio emulator?

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Yes, this also happens in the Studio Emulator. I used an iPhone 14 Pro as the studio emulator. I also have a feeling that this issue also works with any small device. Also, in your video, it seems you haven’t used the code align("Center") in both of the icons which is why it didn’t reproduce. I’m sorry if it was unclear when I said

Anyways, here’s the place file:

topbar issue(Reported for the Developer Forum).rbxl (131.2 KB)

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Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that you probably need the voice chat topbar button in order for the glitch to happen.