Topbar+ v1 (deprecated) | Add additional functionality and themes to your topbar

This is outdated and depreciated. Install Topbar+ V2. However, both this and V2 both contains many modules and methods. They are required to make Topbar+ function. If you are curious you could probably examine the scripts yourself to be positive.

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Thank you, you’re probably right. I tried reading the mods. but a lot of it is just comments and even when you get into real code, it’s so long and most of it is not “relatable”, meaning something I am convinced serves a purpose.

As Xo explained you shouldn’t be using v1 anymore. If you move over to v2 you can visit the API docs where all the relevant methods are explained:

If a method isn’t documented, it’s likely something internal used to make topbarplus function which you shouldn’t need to worry about.

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Hi the :deselect() isnt working ?
Heres what my code look like
and the error says

Make sure to update to the latest version:

If it repeats can you then provide code snippets / further details of the issue at the other thread.

its the latest version only.

and these images show the error and the code

Hello guys, do you know how to make like this in photoshop? like color and what it’s transparent?

its 0.5 trans with full black 0,0,0

I’m having quite some trouble with applying functions to different Buttons

local GuiToggle =
	:setLabel("Show/Hide Interface", "hovering")
		workspace:SetAttribute("InterfaceDisabled", true)
		Utils.ToggleGUIs(player, false)
		workspace:SetAttribute("InterfaceDisabled", nil)
		Utils.ToggleGUIs(player, true)

this button works just fine, the issue is with the other one which is

local Toggle =
	:setLabel("Admin Panel", "hovering")
		Frame.Visible = true
		ChoicesHolder.Visible = true
		Frame.Visible = false
		ChoicesHolder.Visible = false

when it’s used while the 1st button is performing it’s “selected” function, it ends up triggering the “deselected” for button1 for some reason… am i doing this wrong? (im using the new version)

That’s not how you handle button clicking with TopbarPlus. Look at the docs. Also this is an old and outdated topic, if you have any questions ask here: TopbarPlus v2.9.1 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more

Reply to the new topic to ask questions TopbarPlus v2.9.1 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more

also yes, if you check the docs, there’s a property for icons that when set to true, when another button is selected, the button that was already selected is deselected and I’m pretty sure the property is set to true by default