TopBarGUI not working due to new update

I used the following line in my code to make my top-bar gui opaque.


But Roblox recently updated their core guis so idk what to do now. If anyone knows how to migrate to the new update, that would be really helpful. It also produces this output whenever I run the script:


22:16:10.163 - SliceCenter ((499.000000,112.000000), (501.000000,113.000000)) is outside the 
bounds of imageOffset ((492.000000,112.000000), (493.000000,113.000000)) for 
ualMenu.PositionFrame.BaseMenu.ClippingFrame.ScrollingFrame.cell 2]

22:16:10.166 - SliceCenter ((507.000000,112.000000), (509.000000,113.000000)) is outside the 
bounds of imageOffset ((500.000000,112.000000), (501.000000,113.000000)) for 
ualMenu.PositionFrame.BaseMenu.ClippingFrame.ScrollingFrame.cell 2.StateOverlay]

It also does this to other core scripts such as:

game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", false)

The topbar transparency is getting deprecated as stated in the announcement post and that error should get fixed soon.

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How do I set the tranparency now?

i think you would have to create a TopBar yourself