TopbarPlus Errors

Hey! I have a problem with using TopbarPlus, which is a popular free module script made by @ForeverHD and others that can create UI elements like ones such as the chat button, menu button, and extra button (the CoreGui buttons at the top of every Roblox game). The problem I have is I am following its instructions by creating an “icon” and when I try doing that it just errors. Even the example they refered to in their DevForum Post isn’t working either. Here is the script I used to refer to the module:

-- This assumes you place the TopbarPlus module (called 'Icon') under ReplicatedStorage
local Icon = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Icon)

-- Here we construct a simple icon

This is the example script used to refer to the module they provided

Every time I try running this script, there are multiple errors in the output that are coming from the module itself. Nearly all the errors are Requested module experienced an error while loading, and the only one that isn’t that error is ReplicatedStorage.Icon.TopbarPlusGui:351: attempt to index nil with 'PlayerGui'. This error was outputed first, which I beleive then caused a chain reaction to output all the other errors. If you can help with this, please do! Thanks!

Original TopbarPlus DevForum Post - TopbarPlus v2.9.1 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more
Original TopbarPlus Website - Introduction - TopbarPlus
Original TopbarPlus Model - TopbarPlus - Roblox

so apparently i was using the program wrong; i was supposed to make a LocalScript (with the same code) and put it as a child of StarterPlayerScripts

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