[v3!] TopbarPlus v3.0.0 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more

:setImage doesn’t put the image in that I wanted, not in studio nor in game. It will accept the icons you used in your example, however

You can only use the Image’s ID

I know. I do :addImage(ID) and it does not load the image.

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What’s the “Beta” thing called? I’m not able to find it anywhere and I’ve seen it in a game once. I’m pretty sure when you click on it it invites you to a beta group or something like that.

Its the voice chat beta notice, UX for is is extremely stupid and I absolutely hate where they have it. Disrupts all experiences that use VC and not sure why roblox hasn’t made the change to put it into a less disruptive location.

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Hello, I’ve heard of TopbarPlus for a while but haven’t got the chance to use it until recently. I ran into an issue where in a game with the player list (toggled with the Tab key) is disabled, but creating and toggling a dropdown menu re-enables the list as soon you click on it twice. How could I resolve this?

Here is what I have so far:
Located in a LocalScript that is parent of a GUI in StarterGUI.

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Icon = require(ReplicatedStorage.Icon)
local IconController = require(ReplicatedStorage.Icon.IconController)

local settingsDropdown = Icon.new()
:set("dropdownSquareCorners", true)
	:setLabel("Button 1")
	:setLabel("Button 2")
	:setLabel("Button 3")

Located in a LocalScript that is parent of StarterCharacterScripts.

local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.PlayerList, false)

I still find this error happening.

HI, thanks for your report! This is a slight logic error in TopbarPlus which I’ll open up a ticket for.

You can easily fix this for the time being by doing:

:set("dropdownHidePlayerlistOnOverlap", false)


local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Icon = require(ReplicatedStorage.Icon)
local IconController = require(ReplicatedStorage.Icon.IconController)

local settingsDropdown = Icon.new()
:set("dropdownSquareCorners", true)
:set("dropdownHidePlayerlistOnOverlap", false)
	:setLabel("Button 1")
	:setLabel("Button 2")
	:setLabel("Button 3")

Inctus has a great section explaining how to retrieve the imageId here:

It’s important that the assetId/imageId is used instead of the websiteId

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How can I align a separate GUI with the start of the Topbar icons?

It seems I may have found a bug? Not too sure, anyway. When using the topbar billboard GUI’s are unable to interact with the users mouse. This works fine when the topbar is disabled.

TopbarPlus enabled: [bug]

TopbarPlus disabled: [how it should work]

Any ideas?

Hi @ForeverHD, is there a feature so it automatically moves the topbar button if the backpack and leaderboard are both disabled.

Currently, it stays like this if they are disabled:
Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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It gives me an error while trying to use the dropdown feature, to be exact


Error in the output.

Remove the Donations part and just have :setDropdown instead.

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Alright thank you, will notify you if there are any issues.

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Still same error.

local Donations = Icon.new()
	:setLabel("5 Robux")
	:bindEvent("selected", function()
		MarketPlaceService:PromptProductPurchase(Player, 1306082401)


Are you able to use the module located in the playground place? That one has no issue with dropdown, and I can’t exactly tell what’s causing your issue.

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Yes, I don’t know either what is causing it.

Is there any way you can make it so that you can toggle whether you can select/deselect the icon, i have a leaderstats value displayed and theres no reason for people to select it

It’s possible using icon:lock()