[v3!] TopbarPlus v3.0.0 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more

Still same error.

local Donations = Icon.new()
	:setLabel("5 Robux")
	:bindEvent("selected", function()
		MarketPlaceService:PromptProductPurchase(Player, 1306082401)


Are you able to use the module located in the playground place? That one has no issue with dropdown, and I can’t exactly tell what’s causing your issue.

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Yes, I don’t know either what is causing it.

Is there any way you can make it so that you can toggle whether you can select/deselect the icon, i have a leaderstats value displayed and theres no reason for people to select it

It’s possible using icon:lock()

thanks so much it worked, i was trying to do a while loop to delselect it constantly before which would drastically reduce my game performance

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Hi there i have another issue whenever i play my game in roblox this shows up
image - the text is hidden partially
and the thing is that when i test in studio its fine

That is indeed a bug that occurs when you toggle the Topbar CoreGui on and off.

I’ve already opened an issue and talked to @ForeverHD about it.

It should be fixed soon.

oh ok thanks for informing me


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the thing thats weird is that i have other buttons with text and they work just fine its seems to be this button - and this button is the only one i put on the right side of my screen

I just reproduced your bug, and it seems that the bug behaves that way.

In other words, the bug is specifically for the situation we’re encountering.

i tried adding spaces in the text and now its works pretty well kile instead of “sky” i did " sky "

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Question: Is it possible to have a selectable icon that, when clicked, opens a GUI in StarterGUI???

I tried already and I can provide my script if needed, but yeah. It would be awesome, assuming it is possible, if someone could help.


watch the tutorial it mentions how to do this: all you have to do is locate the gui in playergui and use :bindToggleItem

e.g if i had a gui called hi

local player = game:GetService("Plsyers").LocalPlayer
local higui = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("hi") -- the screengui you want

local icon = Icon.new()

make sure that the screen gui is set to enabled false


Thank you so much :)))

(this is here because of the character requirement)

How do you make the money thing in the video?

It is in the playground:


if localPlayer.UserId ~= ownerId then

So your trying to hide a watermark from us?

Why exactly?

I don’t really think the intention behind this move is really malicious as what kind of developer you are to not look at the console log during real gameplay (not in studio), although I do think it is kind of suspicious.

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Well, it’s not really a watermark since it’s easily removable AND people will know you’re using TopbarPlus anyway, because all they have to do is look at the Topbar.