[v3!] TopbarPlus v3.0.0 | Construct intuitive topbar icons; customise them with themes, dropdowns, captions, labels and much more

Is there a way to create a dropdown menu using a list of character names in a table?


local characters = {"character1", "character2", "character3"}


and it would make a character for each value in the table.

I keep getting this error on and off

I am not sure why

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love the module, thanks so much!
I might be missing it, but I’m searching for a way to close dropdown after an item inside has been clicked. Any ideas?

will this be updated to match the new menu ui?


I’m not sure if TopbarPlus is being maintained still, but you should be able to use UIShelf - Create Modern & Intuitive Topbar Icons as a “equivalent” alternative

use this : topbar_plus [updated] - Roblox


Created a Push Request that support the new Roblox Topbar & Old one automatically!

If you wish to use this, you can download it here!


Using this, my Tips seem to be offset far from my mouse position. Any idea why this could be? Any help is appreciated!!

Probably due to early implimentation of this fork, @iamEvanRBLX literally released the fork 2 days ago (wonderful, but very early).

The fork’s version is on V2.9.2 {ALPHA} as of writing this, so it might still be hard to use, and may need configuration of the official topbarplus module from @ForeverHD and/or the Nanoblox team.

Would be in best interest to wait or change the code yourself (if you can)

The code he is mentioning is @Sqarv’s fork, which is different to mine.
I checked and I’m (pretty sure) this is not a issue on mine.

Also v2.9.2-alpha is not an official version, I released it because I think it will be useful to people + Nanoblox haven’t updated their repo for about a year now.

If people are interested with it, I might as well maintain it! What do you think?

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Would love to see it be maintained! But its up to you!
Sorry for the confusion btw.

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Yea well… my buttons aren’t appearing for some reason even tho i got the right code.

Do you have a repo place that I can check?

For repo place what do you mean?

Like a place where I can use to reproduce the bug.
Are you using my forked version?

-- // Services
local repStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").storage
local plrs = game:GetService("Players")

-- // Requirements and Instances
local icon = require(repStorage.modules.Icon)
local iconctrl = require(repStorage.modules.Icon.IconController)
local thm = require(repStorage.modules.Icon.Themes)
local bdbl = Instance.new("BindableEvent")

-- // Variables
local plr = plrs.LocalPlayer
local plrscrp = plr.PlayerScripts
local plrgui = plr.PlayerGui
local chrct = plr.CharacterAdded:Added() or plr.Character
local hmd = chrct:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

-- // Buttons
local leaderboardbutton = icon.new()
    leaderboardbutton:bindEvent("selected", function()
	    print ("Leaderboard has now been selected")
    leaderboardbutton:bindEvent("deselected", function()
	    print ("Leaderboard has now been deselected")

And i’m using the version i sent you the first message, so i think that’s the forked version.

  • A image describing it
  1. It seems like you did

That does not work. I think you meant plr.CharacterAdded:Wait().

  1. Why are there so many unused variables?

You don’t need any of those.

When I changed those stuff, it worked.
My code:

-- // Services
local repStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local plrs = game:GetService("Players")

-- // Requirements and Instances
local icon = require(repStorage.Icon)

-- // Variables
local plr = plrs.LocalPlayer
local plrscrp = plr.PlayerScripts
local plrgui = plr.PlayerGui
local chrct = plr.CharacterAdded:Wait() or plr.Character
local hmd = chrct:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

-- // Buttons
local leaderboardbutton = icon.new()
leaderboardbutton:bindEvent("selected", function()
	print ("Leaderboard has now been selected")
leaderboardbutton:bindEvent("deselected", function()
	print ("Leaderboard has now been deselected")

I forgot about the character variable being wrong…

i feel so embarrased rn god

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No worries. Next time, check the output for errors first!

My forked version: v2.9.2-alpha