So I’m trying to make a torch, that sets things on fire, I have the torch made, but no matter what I put, it won’t catch anything on fire. Help would be appreciated!
What is you current script. You may need to consider efficiency but the main idea is a touched event from the part. See if it is a part. And add fire.
I think, what I can do, is I’ll add fire to what I want it to touch, and when the torch touches it, the fire isn’t transparent?
I would just do this.
> script.Parent.Touched:Connect(function(hit)
> if not hit:FindFirstChild("Fire") then --Makes sure that something can't be set on fire twice
> local fire ="Fire")
> fire.Parent = hit
> end
> end)
Basically, when something touches the torch it creates a fire and places it in the object.
Thank you! I will! Again, thanks so. much!
Wait, I put the script in the torch, sorry, I’m a slow learner, and it didn’t work. Where should I put it again?
Yeah put it inside the torch, if it bugs out use debounce.
If you are using a tool system you should check the players dot product when equipped and if it is x close fire a ray to check what is close to the players front face
if Debounce then return end
local Humanoid = Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if Humanoid then
local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Hit.Parent)
if Player then
Fire.Enabled = true
Debounce = true
delay(3, function()
Fire.Enabled = false
Debounce = false
Did I do something wrong here?
It isnt working because you are only looking to set NPCs on fire
if Debounce then return end
local Ravana = Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Ravana")
if Ravana then
local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Hit.Parent)
if Player then
Fire.Enabled = true
Debounce = true
delay(3, function()
Fire.Enabled = false
Debounce = false
I did it like this, and it still doesn’t work. Sorry for being impatient.
So, the script should work, I think the problem is that the fire is too small to see, just make the fire a bit bigger and you should see it.